wa/wb spot from UTG

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wa/wb spot from UTG

HJ is a very str8 forward weakish reg (20/15/7,9). BB is a good loose reg (30/23/11.6).

The Flop is quite decent against BB. He won´t have KQ that often becausea lot of his combos would have 3bet pre. HJs Range hits that board better as he isnt 3betting that much and prefers to play smallball.

Flop: I assume HJs calling range consists of AJ+,AA, eventually some AKT,AQT and only very few TT,JJ. It will mostly be KQ.


- Betting Flop: I´m not sure whether betting flop is the smartest play as almost every hand but a very few that call beats me. Especially against the nit behind me, i don´t have to fear steals and i´m not generating value as he will hardly call worse. If we get called i assume we will have to check/fold turn unimproved.

- Alternative Line: What should be my line here? Imo check flop and bet turn. The 2 most likely outcomes will be that HJ is betting and we check/fold (seems weak to me?) and if it gets checked through BB will most likely attack bet turn and river in order to take down the pot. I cant fold the turn, but ill have a hard time calling twice as sets can bet for value too.

So whats my line? :)


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DMSJ 11 years ago

Disagree BB would be 3betting most KQ combos vs UTG open and a call

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