Volume or quality ?
Posted by syzer2
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Low Stakes
Volume or quality ?
Hey guys , is it worth trying to put decent volume playing 10plo and get some rakeback or focus on less tables, really work and focus on my game and move up from there . Also can you guys give me some info about zoom vs norm 6 tab . I am asking this as someone who wants to move up and is kinda new to plo , but has some inputs on the game. kinda worried about the rake there
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At that level you want to focus on quality. you need to move up and get out of the rake traps as soon as possible. The only way to do that is to be good enough to win at higher stakes. So you should really focus on less tables, smart decision making, and try to get in your volume by playing lots of short sessions or making sure to set aside certain times for grinding. It won't do you any good to make it to 100plo as a RB grinder and then get your butt handed to you.
100% agree, def focus on quality of every decision. the rake is your enemy at PLO10. you can hit a pretty great winrate after rakeback, with focused, solid, disciplined play. ~400 or 500 hands/hr seems like a reasonable upper window. if you can maintain a solid winrate over a decent sample size you should be able to move up stakes instead of adding more tables.
disagree on short sessions. i think to beat PLO10 you want to be running up 4-500 bb stacks so you can stack fish who have doubled up. that is a way to beat the rake, as the cap means you pay a lower total amount of rake proportionate to your winnings if you win a 200bb pot than if you win two separate 100bb pots.
it takes a while to build up those big stacks, and takes a while to get into the situations where you have the potential to stack a 200bb or 300bb fish who doesnt know how to play 100bb, let alone deepstacked. these fish abound at plo10; 40% of the time they get it in a 3:2 dog, they are doubling up and are ripe for abuse. so you need to book decent sessions ! just not too many tables, i find 2 zoom tables is optimal for me; 3 and my decision making suffers.
I should clarify, a short session to me is something around 2.5k hands. More importantly I wouldn't sit and play for >4 hours without breaks to clear my head while trying to learn the game. When you're learning and don't know your game as well I think it is tougher to realize when you may have drifted into tilt or be playing your C game due to mental fatigue.
quality all the way. though, its tough to ignore so much good tables running at the same time. 5-8 tables are okay number being able not to loose focus on what's going on on each of tables and keep learning (regular tabs obv.)
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