Using ProPokerTool
Posted by Phil
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Mid Stakes
Using ProPokerTool
Hi, I am not too sure how to properly calculate when it is correct and when it is not to be calling pre flop against a range of what is most likely consisting of only As.
By doing this am i trying to find a flop which more than 50% of the time I have at least X% where X is probably the % using SPR on flop to calculate on the flop?
Also getting potted pre flop I will usually be getting 33.33% odds to call what does that number signify?
One last question I am not too sure how to input a range of AAXX ss + AAXX ds or how would i be able to do something more specific such as connected AAXX ss + all AAXXds + AAXX pairs?
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(1 calulate how much Equity you need too go broke on the flop (33,33% if SPR is 1)
(2 calculate how often you have the necessary Equity (you did this in your screnshot)
(3 go too the box "Require" "nothing" and change it to require PLAYER1 to have hand vs range Equity off 33,33% on the Flop-> this will calculate your average Equity.
(4 now you have all the numbers you need to calculate your EV of Calling a 4bet.
2)Yeah so is the number I am looking for (49.2891% in this case), have to be higher than 50% in order for me to profit from calling w/ a certain hand against AA or is it something else?
3)Average Equity when.....i have at least 33%? or??
Also getting potted pre flop I will usually be getting 33.33% odds to call what does that number signify?
2)Yeah so is the number I am looking for (49.2891% in this case), have
to be higher than 50% in order for me to profit from calling w/ a
certain hand against AA or is it something else?
This is just the number how often you will stack off on the flop. There is no simple rule how high is has to be to make a profit vs. AA. You need this number in step 4 to caluclate your EV.
3)Average Equity when.....i have at least 33%? or??
Exactly, you fold if you have less than 33% and if you have more you go broke. So PPT only runs your Simulation only for the time when you have more then 33%. You can use this number to calculate your average EV when you go broke. You also know your EV when folding(cost of calling his 3bet). And you know how often you fold/go broke on the flop(~50/50 in your sim).
Also getting potted pre flop I will usually be getting 33.33% odds to call what does that number signify?
This is only your hot/cold Equity. You are not all in after his 3bet, so you can't allways realize your equity. For example, ff you have 10% Equity on a specific flop you will simply fold vs. his cbet. For this reason you will not be able realize your full equity on average. You don't have to call, just you cause you have 33%, it the same like defending the BB vs a steal, you almost allways have the necessary Equity vs a minraise, but you don't allway defend vs. a minraise.
If you're interested in working out which hands can profitably flat AA ranges, you might find a video I made a while back useful: Calling 4-Bets. As for the specific range question, perhaps another of my vids could help, it goes over PPT syntax amongst other stuff: Pro Poker Tools: The Basics.
Thanks =)
ya Toms vids cover this topic very well. whether or not you can call or not with AKQJds vs AA depends on if its vs a single raise, a 3b, or a 4b. im not sure which one you meant, or in general.
i think most players would call a 3,5bb open with this hand even if they knew their opponent had only/or mostly AA. most players would probably call a 3b as well. with 100bb stacks we usually can not call a 4b profitably with AKQJds (even tho it is very close) vs most opponents due to the proximity our side cards have to the A. if it is profitable, were only making a couple of bbs.
the fact that we have more than 33% eq vs AA confuses a lot of ppl, and I see a lot of otherwise solid regs call 4bets with KK (that have more than 33% eq vs AA) vs a range that is basically only AA bc they know they are "getting the odds". but its not that simple. as was pointed out earlier we wont be able to realize our eq a decent amount of the time. to calculate whether its +EV we have to simulate an eq-distribution graph and calc the are under it. calling a 4b with a hand that has 35% eq vs AA doesnt mean were gonna make money if most of the time were gonna flop less than 50% eq and just have to fold flop or get the rest in as an under dog.
if the 4b is all in and ur getting 2-1 (33%) or better, then its a different story, now we get to see all 5 cards.
hope that explains some of your questions if you havent already watched Toms vid.
Keep in mind that your 33% has to be recognizable (you have to see it) and also realizable (you have to get to showdown or somehow win the pot).
Board - KhJh3h
Here player 2 does indeed have 33% with a pair + gutter vs. player 1's non-flush draw AA hand. Is that equity recognizable? You're probably not going to be jumping for joy on an all heart monotone board when you have 3 black cards in your hand. I mean we see that hitting a Q or 9 for 2 pair is good but what about in game? And is it realizable - are we comfortable calling any opponent bets and getting to showdown?
So we have to understand that some of the 49% number in the OP result in unrecognizable or unrealizable situations and the 49% is an absolute maximum.
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