Useful PPT formula + AA 4bet pre
Posted by stomped
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Low Stakes
Useful PPT formula + AA 4bet pre
I watched a very useful Tom Coldwell video on the subject of calling 4bets. In the video Tom gave a time consuming method for calculating average equity above a certain threshold (the equity we need to correctly stack off on the flop), using PPT.
I think I have a much easier method so I thought I would share it/get it checked by those more knowledgable than I.
select avg(equity(DSRD, flop)) as DSRD_avEquity
from game="omahahi", DSRD="JhTh9s8s",
where minEquity(DSRD,flop,0.32)
If you enter the above three lines into the PQL runner at PPT you will obtain, I think, the average minimum equity of JT98ds averaged over the times when the minimum equity is 32% or better.
To calculate how likely you are to flop 32% of better enter the following
select count(minEquity(DSRD,flop,0.32)) as suff_Eq
from game="omahahi", DSRD="JhTh9s8s",
And one question. We open AA on the button (100BB deep), big blind 3 bets, we 4bet, big blind calls. Are we now committed to gii on any flop?
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I think what you actually want to use is this:
select avg(riverequity(DSRD, flop)) as DSRD_avEquity
from game="omahahi", DSRD="JhTh9s8s",player2="AA"
where minHVREquity(DSRD,flop,0.32)
select count(minHVREquity(PLAYER_1,flop,0.32))
from game='omahahi', syntax='Generic',
PLAYER_1='JhTh9s8s', PLAYER_2='AA'
You can do the same thing in the GUI like this:

and then run equity stats. The second query can be done like this:
The main difference here is that we're using hand vs range equity, whereas in your example you are using hand vs hand equity. They give similar results, but there are some subtle differences. The way I understand it is that HVR calculates hand (JT98) vs range (AA**) for every iteration and then summarizes the result. HVH equity randomizes a hand from the AA** range, calculates HVH equity for that hand, and then summarizes the results.The difference is somewhat subtle, but I think in general what we're looking for is hand vs range. (or sometimes hand vs perceived range)
HvH does is a selection of simulations pitting your hand against random hands from villain's range on random flops (each sim picking a new hand and flop).
HvR pits our hand against every hand in villain's range on (far fewer) random flops.
The HvR results are therefore more reflective of how we'll perform in real life because it doesn't assume perfect information (example: if we used HvH for this situation, we would end up folding JT98 on 88Q against AAQQ, whereas in reality we go busto).
Otherwise this looks correct and it's certainly the case that if you have a copy of Odds Oracle you can get the results I obtained in my vid far quicker than through my method. I was offering a way of doing it without having to pay for software which may represent a large percentage of the bankrolls of many players just starting out.
brilliant, thank you.
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