Under defending with seccond nuts?
Posted by axel2307
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Mid Stakes
Under defending with seccond nuts?
Hi. I want to share with you some thougts about a couple of hands i just played.
I played a session of HUPLO and 3 times i found myself in similar spots where i have seccond nuts (flush) and villan bets fullpot in the river. The first hand i opted to call and he had the nuts. The last 2 i opted to fold. In this particular hand i am sharing with you. I think that maybe i should have call.
because when i raise flop he must put me in a set or any 2 pair. And he may be value beting worse flushes than mine. Please i realy like to see what do you think. Sorry if i made any error writing, english it is not my first language.
10/20 HUPLO
Hero: $4545
Villan: $4666
Hero SB dealt: Kh 4h 7d 2s
Hero Limps
Villan raises 3x to $60
Hero Call
Flop (Pot = 120)
Board: 5h 7h 3s
Villan Bets $77,60
Hero Raise to $260
Villan Call
Turn (Pot = 640)
Villan Bets $640
Hero Call
River (Pot = 1920)
Villan Bet 1920
Hero Fold
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I don't play stakes this high so take what I say with a pinch of salt but imo unless villain is insanely imbalanced here then this is a disastrous fold. If we fold this we only ever defend with the nuts. If he has Ah in his hand our river calling frequency here is 0. Mildly exploitable
Even if he is crazy imbalanced our calling range as a default should be way wider than Khh+ so a large adjustment should still likely leave this in calling range
Hard to say without any information about the player. Looks like a blocker play to me. Probably just have to either just call on the flop in those situations instead of raising or make some more calldowns on the river.
The thing that make me put him in a flush is that i cant think how he can call my reraise in flop without a flushdraw. Plus every singlr time he bets pot he show the nuts in other hands. So i expect him to be unbalanced with his sizings and that is the main reason also why i choose to fold
I just want to involve in the discussion, and give my input as part of the learning process.
I think river is a correct fold, raise and get called on the flop we can narrow his range down to but flash draw and set. on the turn, when he lead out a pot size it just too strong to continue without the nuts.
I feel that by limping pre and get raise. his entire range already beat yours, and further more u raise him on the flop. we can safely assume that he has all broadway with Axs, somewhere around that range, and we can take out all his mid range my leading out on the flop .
so i just feel that in theory is a correct fold.
But i would call his flop bet, and call down his river bet, that way he could have include his A blocker bluff with straight draws.
thanks , i think about the raise in flop, and he's narrow range, and from that i take the importance of keep villan ranges wide open...
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