turnplay with marginal draw on J76A 3way
Posted by ohgodwhy
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turnplay with marginal draw on J76A 3way
Prima, $0.05/$0.10 Pot Limit Omaha Cash, 3 Players
Poker Tools Powered By Holdem Manager - The Ultimate Poker Software Suite.
SB: $9.60 (96 bb)
Hero (BB): $10.52 (105.2 bb)
BTN: $12.14 (121.4 bb)
Preflop: Hero is BB with T 5
BTN raises to $0.35, SB calls $0.30, Hero calls $0.25
Flop: ($1.05) J 6
(3 players)
SB checks, Hero checks, BTN checks
Turn: ($1.05) A (3 players)
SB checks, Hero ?
What's the best option here? My first instinct was to bet because I have very decent equity and will very likely not win the pot if it checks through again. However, the A is a very good card for BTNs range so I'm not sure I wanna lead here. Getting raised would be really bad, too. If I x/c, I don't have the initiative OTR however and so will again very likely lose the pot unimproved whereas he'll either not put any more money in or have me dominated quite frequently on the cards that hit me. Does this make it a decent spot to x/r/f the turn and fire most rivers?
Since this seems like a result of playing a very marginal preflop hand: I wouldn't autocall this in the BB under any circumstances but don't think I can fold this 3handed, closing the action?!
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any reads or stats on sb and BTN? I think pre is an interesting situation. Given that equities run so close in PLO and we are getting odds because we were the big blind I don't fault your call, although I suspect usually I will just fold myself in this spot. We actually have a pretty strong draw on both the flop and the turn. We can make a straight with five separate ranks and three of these ranks give us the nuts. If BTN was a reg or tighter fish I would be inclined to semi bluff donk the flop.
No real reads or stats on both guys since this is MGM and I've just started this table. BTN seems at least halfway solid and SB doesn't auto top-up.
I'm not sure if this is a great spot to lead the flop though. The 76 still seems one or two notches too high up. Since I 3bet a ton of my overpairs and big broadway hands, BTN should still have a pretty clear range advantage and therefore cbet quite frequently. Another advantage: I can get away easily if he cbets and the SB comes over the top.
Your only option is to check/call.
Me? No, not really. It probably depends on how wide villain is going to bet this card. The better he is, the wider and more merged I expect him to bet this card because it is so great for his range. And in that case I strongly prefer x/r because he can play the river way way better than me if I just x/c.
If he's more fit or fold, which might easily be the case at these stakes, then I probably should x/c for bare pot odds or even lead small to set my own price as I think he'll be very hesitant to raise this very wide.
Preflop I feel like I'm folding this hand. What is the consensus on ohgod's pre call in a 3-handed game?
As for the turn, I'm on the c/c line, as well. a x/r seems creatively interesting, but seems like a lot of investment, when we could find better spots to be making moves imo.
I'd be really surprised if this is a preflop fold. Pros/coaches defend ridiculously wide closing the action. I think I'm even rather tight in these spots due to rake and lacking postflop skills. :D
And I don't even think this hand is that bad. Still has some connectivity and I'll have a decent range advantage on low boards.
I dig the explanation on the pf call by closing action. Hadn't really heard that rationale as how that broadens are pf calling range. Perhaps it has been said a lot, but I just didn't have the ears to hear it?
Stab/fold. You can get a lot of folds this way. You can also v-bet on straights x/decicde on flushes on probably bluff on some pairing cards.
Preflop: Very standard call. Unless rake is insanely high and opponent is insanely tight at the same time.
Flop: I dont really like leading with non nutty hand, so check decide seems best.
Turn: Its 3 way and both SB and BTN should have many many strong hands there and BTN should probably do the betting - he has most strong two pairs and most AAxx. So again check and decide - call vs a bet, fold vs a bet and a raise. You have equity against basically anything. On the river its actually pretty easy to play for you. Argument that he has easier time on the river its kinda obvious because he is IP and you are OOP.
And most importantly about checking the turn is that if it checks through you are gonna steal the pot on the river extremely often because BTN capped his range and if SB checks the river he is usually capped aswell.
To sum up: On the turn BTN should do the betting and you gain most information by checking and proceeding to the river.
One argument for betting is that you have no SD value and good equity. You can elaborate on this a little bit more and maybe construct a solid betting range, but I really dont like betting.
This answer is just so perfect, it almost brought tears into my eyes. :)
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