Turn Decision wrap+FD
Posted by Zachary Freeman
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Zachary Freeman
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Mid Stakes
Turn Decision wrap+FD
No reads on players (I just am toying around playing a little as a US player on Bovada) Game seems very loose several fish.
Hero opens 3578ddcc on CO, BTN flats SB calls BB calls.
Flop K64cds
I cbet 2/3 pot, BTN calls, BB calls.
Turn 4d. Gives me BDFD. SPR on turn for BTN is 1.3 BB is 1.5
Hero? Pot/call? or check?
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I think pot/calling is making money. Your probably not balancing this but that doesn't matter. I suspect maxing folds from Kx or better draws outweighs checking to take a free card. If you only get called by 4x+ your bet almost certainly shows a profit from all of the folds your getting. If they do stack off with AK's or K+fd your equity is ok.
I'm not sure if that option is better than checking or betting like .3p. I assume since his folding range is elastic to sizing and those folds are pretty huge for us, just potting will be best. But I'd at least like to explore our other options.
No. Or if there is I don't think it's significant. Maybe there's some psychological aspect that gets people to fold more vs pot than 3/4 pot, but I don't really see the benefit of 3/4 over pot. It's not like he's going to be full often enough when he jams over 3/4 pot to where we have to fold @ this SPR. Nor do I think we get a profitable river bluff when we size 3/4 and get called.
Agree balance doesnt matter much here but just for sake of it. What would you suggest with Naked AA on turn?
Well, smaller for sure. Like .33pt
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