Trips OOP in 3-bet pot - Turn action - Range spot
Posted by Teddy
Posted by Teddy posted in Low Stakes
Trips OOP in 3-bet pot - Turn action - Range spot
Am playing some pretty weak/nitty player who only raise 30% from the button. 72bb Effective.
I haven't 3bet much, but have opened all buttons.
He 3x Button, I 9x QJccT9dd JsJ3hh flop, I 3bet 12.5bb, he calls.
Turn Ac - Pot 43 - Stacks 53.
Given how strong his flop call looks, should I be inducing here as my 'value' range is very slim and I block Jxxx, or should I just bet and hope he does something silly, as he isn't a reg?
How would you play the turn vs a reg 100x deep?
How would you play ABBx no Jack vs either?
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