Trips 270 bbs deep
Posted by DirtyD
Posted by DirtyD posted in Low Stakes
Trips 270 bbs deep
The Hand History Converter
HerbsNscissors (BB): $184.96
Hero (BTN): $135.10
6anista (SB): $93.66
Pre Flop: ($0.75) Hero is BTN with 5c 9d 4d 7c
Hero raises to $1.33, 1 fold, HerbsNscissors raises to $4.24, Hero calls $2.91
Flop: ($8.73) Jh 4h 4c (2 players)
HerbsNscissors bets $8.73, Hero?
Villain is a maniac/fish, playing 73/58 and 3betting 36.5. Some of that was short-handed, but honestly he played pretty much the same 6-handed. Haven't seen him show down many hands, not really sure what he's doing post-flop. He's not auto-potting, I've seen him use different sizes. If we were 100 bbs deep I would just raise/get it in and not think much about it, but I'm not sure what the best plan is here. I think we're way ahead of his range for 3betting and cbetting, but probably doing pretty badly against his range for getting all-in on the flop. I have no reason to believe he's just blindly stacking off with over pairs. Raise-folding seems terrible. Call and play turns? Do you have a stack depth threshold for stacking off in this spot?
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