tricky riverspot LIVE
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Mid Stakes
tricky riverspot LIVE
hello all,
Just played a hand i found very confusing, and i thought id try my luck at the rio forum:)
9 handed PLO $5/5/10. Everyone has about 200bb apart from the small blind/utg who has about 50.
UTG folds, and UTG+1 who raises quite frequently, pots it. It folds to me and i look down at 679K ds RED, i repot to 140 for many reasons, prolly some of them bad but what the hell:). All fold back to UTG+1 who calls. Our stacks at this points is roughly, mine 200bb and his cover me.
Flop is 992 with two hearts and one club, giving me K9 w the flushdraw, he checks to me, where i bet 120, he calls.
TURN: 2c for another fd out there(not mine). he checks to me, i bet 350, he calls.
RIVER 3c for a completed bd club flush, villain proceeds to donk 1k into me. What to do?
What bluffs could he have here? missed hearts(i block those)? AA that turns nutblocker into a bluff?
What hands could he be betting? AA with clubs? some random 93XX? quads 2's? some random flush?
Ill post results and the last of my thoughts if there is any interest in my little post, thank you:)
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