TP+overs+bdfd 3b pot, check or bet?
Posted by spassewr
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Mid Stakes
TP+overs+bdfd 3b pot, check or bet?
Hey guys,
Figured I'd try to help kick-start this forum with a moderately interesting line-check. I have some more interesting and complicated HHs I'm intending to post within a few days.
The site I played the hand on doesn't have HHs that are supported here so you'll have to make do with a PJ-screenshot. The bet amounts in the PJ-file are just big blinds, stakes are equivalent to $1/2
Never seen villain before, only played like 20 hands but seemed fairly active (3b a couple of times, opened a decent bit). I assume he opens at least 25-35% in the CO.
I doubt we can bet-fold if we do bet so do you prefer checking back or bet getting it in?
If you check back, whats your plan on an 9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2 that doesn't give us a FD?
Cheers and good luck!
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i vote bet. pretty safe flop, not one he should smash too often.
Given the SPR,
I would say pot-call is +EV (you can make a sim for Shove vs SOR to check it)
benefit of this line - vs reg we make some better hands (QQ,bad KK, maybe some Tx) to fold, as well as some hands w\decent EQ (6xxx, naked Gutter, even though it's hard to have for him gutshot w\ no pair; some T:RR). also, given T-blocker we're unlikely to be in too bad of a shape when have to call off his shove
x\Call is also the line I would examine for sure. Esp. w\bdfd (it add run-outs coverage, visability). I'd say x\call is bit more preferable w\ higher spr.
if you have 1\2 sizing on this board, I'd rather not include this hand into this sub-range
I would check its not a great board for our range and our hand is pretty easy to play after we check back oop. If we ber I wouldn't pot because we'll end up piling in toommuch money va better hands and we are to deep to play for stacks otf wirh top pair and baxkdoor straight/flusg draws. Even vs the weaker parts of our opponents xr range I expect to be behind.
I think this makes a good check back candidate. You block his range that misses this flop completely and any savvy opponent is going to put some floats and pressure this board vs your 3b range.
Check back and realize dat equity
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