TP + OE in 3bet, 3-way pot
Posted by SpazBob
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Low Stakes
TP + OE in 3bet, 3-way pot
Pretty standard preflop.(Or not?)
Both players unknown, probably recreational given the stack sizes.
Pretty good flop, but facing open all-in and having second player behind usually with Aces, or other big cards, maybe should we make a tight fold even SPR is small?
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I don't think we are doing a huge mistake calling here, knowing opponents and seeing the stacks. Close, but i like call slightly more than fold.
fold pre both times
sigh raise the flop
Very loose open. Ranges in UTG ought to be factor 1 regarding connectivity and suits as well. KQJx is a highly dominated combo facing 3b ranges. Std flat-call as played, too much odds to drop it away. . We flopped tpnk + oe and bdfd. Not bad so far. Unfortunately there is a fd not favoring our range in 3w pot and a player left to take action. Leading ranges from this villian having almost 1 SPR compounds 2pair, nfd and sometimes sets. We have a player behind us so it is a difficult spot because our continuing range might be blocked in a consider frecuency giving the fact that a player behind us has AAxx almost all the time and 2 pot size stack. I think folding is the correct decision in this particular spot being multiway because:
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