Top Set on Flop HU BB

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Top Set on Flop HU BB

Blinds: $0.02/$0.05 (6 Players) BN: $7.80
SB: $8.61
BB: $5.50
UTG: $12.21 (Hero)
MP: $7.14
CO: $9.57
Preflop ($0.07) Hero is UTG with 9 T T 9
Hero raises to $0.15, 4 folds, BB calls $0.10
BB is tight and non aggressive post flop but he does have a pf 3 bet of 7%
Flop ($0.32) 9 8 2
BB bets $0.31, Hero raises to $1.24, BB calls $0.93
Think he probably has a wrap of some kind and I don't want to give any cheap cards
Turn ($2.80) 9 8 2 A
BB bets $2.69
The obvious hand is AA when he donks for pot but with a 7% 3 bet u would think he would have raised pf. It's a very juicy board is this a fold or just GII?


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Cthulu23 9 years, 9 months ago

If stars would have pot/raise any button that would be it. Some spots top full is a clear fold or even quads against some nits but this is not one of them.

ohgodwhy 9 years, 8 months ago

I wonder if there's any merit in just flatcalling the flop? I mean, I can't think of a hand we block his continuing range more with than TT99. I mean, sure, he can still hit some random gutters but it seems like in general, he's pretty dead. And why not let him improve with AQJ8 and stack him on this turn?

Cthulu23 9 years, 8 months ago

Cause he can't improve to a perceived nuts that you crush and which will call a raise on the turn anyways. Q J makes him scared of the straight and TT doesn't mean it's impossible for him to have Tx in his hand. And not coolering 88 22 98* is a disaster. You should never slowplay top set on this board (in a single raised pot, in 3bet pots you can with some dynamic where you know he'd never call an all in but would pot call a lot of turns with some turned backdoor equity) but you could and should sometimes on Q/K/A high boards because set of aces kings and even queens is scarier when you've got top 2, but not here in a single raised pot. You can slowplay some naked 88 for example to strengthen your range but never 99. I mean if he leads 98 to lead call it's a stupid play anyways since any 567TJQKA doesn't give him the nuts anymore. So he could lead call then donk on 2 3 4 but makes his hand obvious and lets you play perfectly or lead call and check, which is pretty bad i think not necessarily because it gives you the option to control the turn action, his 89* hands are most likely a flip or slightly behind your gii range anyways, but because he can make terrible folds on turns or terrible calls. Therefore he should probably check 98 and not lead with it unless he has some reads or wants to lead gii but that's a bit overplaying hand w/o a double ender i'd say.

Cac-Eater 9 years, 8 months ago

He donks almost pot on the turn into an UTG pf opener... Unless that player is terrible it pretty much looks like he has it. Any history with villain? That ace is supposed to hit your range a lot... If he has some wrap draw I don't understand why he wouldn`t jam the flop after your 3bet given how he appears to want to gii on the turn. Hearts are unlikely. Unless I have some read on villain I fold here.

Cthulu23 9 years, 8 months ago

Not in this particular spot no, because you have no reason to believe at 02 05c to think that people raise your donks lightly so you should call and realise equity, donk when you hit. But say the situation were a little different, let's say we 3bet he calls flop comes 982r he c/c and turn is A with backdoor fdraw and we have a wide 3bet range then sure, he makes us fold KKQT, type hands that would've bet called flop and now checkback turn, or maybe some double paired hands 6644. Or the opposite he is the 3bettor oop he c/c this flop and goes on and leads, ofc you shouldn't overdo it and be balanced with both big draws and the turned nuts. But i think in this case it's 02 05c people are retarded they dont want to fold their hands anymore but don't want you to bet or call a bet so they donk with a lot of shit, maybe even A8JT, it wouldn't be that horrible with ATJ8, probably burning quite a bit of money against sets but not that awful for your average fish.
And one more thing to consider when you do this with QTJ and hearts, you're not folding ever to a bet and maybe if hero bets he feels compelled to call a raise but if you donk maybe 5% of the time or whatever gets scarred and makes a really + ev fold for us.
Answering your post just made me realise that i have no idea what you should do in a 3bet pot ip with naked KKQT and weird spr on Ab turn with an awkward spr and against a decent range that has some AJT9 +nut flush and hit 2p. Pretty dead against the ace.

Cac-Eater 9 years, 8 months ago

Good thinking! that set really is the top of hero`s range as other chunks of his utg open range would not appreciate seeing that ace + a donk bet from villain in a roughly 60bb pot with a hand that could still be good

lofigr 9 years, 8 months ago

Easy GII spot when opponent did not 3-bet us pre.. A8+FD is the hand he would have probably played the same OTT (we dont look pre play now) as AA, so it's really no-brainer for me OTT and I jam always...

This_Passing 9 years, 8 months ago

am really happy getting this in. his pre-flop 3bet % will discount some AA combos, and his flop actions + your cards will discount even more combos (how many bare AA would he just pot/call the flop with? would need 2pr or a straight draw to go with it, both of which u block)

shipping here expecting to see 98+draw/88/22 or A9/A8/AQJT+hearts way more often than AA. it's a legit cooler if he has AA here given how hard it is for him to get here with it with his line + all the other hands he could have

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