Top 2 pair line check (LIVE)

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Top 2 pair line check (LIVE)

Villains in the hand are recreational players. Villain 1 is an arab guy that plays on the weekends only. Normally buys in for $1k and has $3500 atm but is even. Villain 2 is a huge fish with $1200. I cover. 

$5/$10 PLO with $25 btn straddles

Villains 1and2 complete sb/bb. I raise to $100 with AKJTr. Cutoff, btn, and both villains call.

Flop ($500): J32r

checks through

Turn ($500) Ks brings bdfd

Villain 1 pots and villain 2 tank/calls. Hero?

I'm curious to all of my options ott and why? 


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ZachZeeBo 11 years, 6 months ago

Why no push? Do u think deeper villain has madehands only? Will he fold KJ? Prob not:D

Can he have kqt here? Mybe AKQ+ fd? Will he bet all of these hands?

andhefell 11 years, 6 months ago

Hmm does the OP mean V1 is the type of guy who has the psychology of checking draws to get pot bloated and would only lead made hands?

Seems unlikely he would flat a broadway hand like Ak10+ FD or KJQ in the small blind in a straddle limp hand plus you block those. So it's mainly 22 33 or a bad JJ.

If you raise to around 1.5k you will certainly lose action from the 2 guys behind you, and probably the BB fish. If the SB pots over you it's probably a fold since he shouldn't have the broadway pair+ draw that you dominate and is JJ 22 33 heavy. But if you fold and he has a double straight draw hand like 45 10J or A5 10 Q it would be a disaster to fold. Would he pot K2, J2 type hands over a 1.5k raise? I see it in live games but he would have to be pretty bad.

If you call 500, you invite the 2 behind you to call with random low FD hands, gutters, 45 type hands for the lower straight draw etc. You will lose on the river a high % of the time but the multiway odds make it pretty decent. Added benefit is if the Q comes, you have a high chance of stacking the lower straight, same if K or J comes and you stack lower 2 pairs.

If you just pot here it's the best protection play SB, and 2 behind you would certainly have to fold their weak draws and you take down the pot immediately a high% of the time. Also if V1 has a pair plus draw hand like K45 or K with FD or double draw hand like 10Q 45 he probably has to call it off given the odds. And you would lose action from hands like that had you flatted. You can't go wrong with this line unless and only unless you have a read V1 is strong.

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