To gamble or not to gamble?
Posted by wreiza
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Low Stakes
To gamble or not to gamble?
This was a hand which happened in a PLO home game I organised few nights back, $1/$1 blinds PLO. I got dealt A-10-8-6 ds in the big blind, 3 limpers to me and I opened the betting in the big blind, and the same 3 limpers called. We saw an A-A-4 flop, I c-bet 20-ish BBs into a 26 to 30 BBs pot. The player behind me folded, and the UTG + 1 raised to 58 BBs (70+ BBs behind), the small blind x-shoved like 90+ BBs into both of us. It's obvious enough someone might have 4-4 for the underfull or the current vulnerable nuts A-4, but given the betting sequence, it's more likely 1 person has the underfull and another person has an Ace with a bigger kicker. What would u guys do in this situation? Gamble with ur 9 outs to hit ur nut house, or make a disciplined fold? I would like to think the positive EV move would be to release the hand since I had only committed like 20+ BBs but facing the stack sizes, I made a gambling shove, knowing the UTG + 1 was pot-committed. I missed my 6s, 8s and 10s, and the underfull held up against both the SB and my hand. How would u guys play this hand? To me, this was a bit like gambling on a nut flush draw given the pot odds. I was sitting with like 300+ BBs at the start of this hand. Turned out, UTG + 1 had 4-4-5-6 ss if I didn't rmb his exact hole cards wrongly for the underfull, and the SB who x-shoved into both of us had A-K-9-9 ss. If I had hit my outs, the pot which I would have won would be like in the neighbourhood of 320 BBs.
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