Thoughts on this river bluff-raise? (PLO50)
Posted by girth21
Posted by girth21 posted in Low Stakes
Thoughts on this river bluff-raise? (PLO50)
Don't have a proper HH sorry.
Villain is a decent, conventional TAG.
Effective stacks are a bit over 100bb
Villain opens CO to 3x
Hero 3bets pot from the button with AcKcJhTh
Villain calls
Flop JsTsQh
Hero bets 70% pot, villain calls
Turn Qo
River 4s
Villain bets about 35% pot
Hero raises all in
-Villain is going to bet his boats and his rare bluffs (AsJT???), especially overfulls substantially larger hoping to get value from flushes, and we have blockerz primarily to the underfulls which might bet smaller, tank a bit and call off
-He likely knows I check back static nutty hands with a decent frequency
-Villain knows I'm not valueshoving anything worse than a boat
-I think calling is pretty pointless as villain almost always is value betting thinly here
-I don't think villain is going to bet/call his flushes unless it's the NF and he also has blockers in his hand which somewhat less likely as he is opening CO wide and never folds to 3bets while having a wider 4betting range than AA exclusively removing some of these combos
-OP is a spewy donkey wtf are you doing
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