This is embarrassing.
Posted by nutinsider
Posted by nutinsider posted in Mid Stakes
This is embarrassing.
We are in a live game where the bring in is 5 dollars. Somehow it gets to be 240 total. 5 people in front of me call, and their average stack is close to mine (600-1kish)
My hand is 3456 no suits. I decide to flat and get it in on the flop if I hit anything relevant. My logic was that I was getting 6.5:1, and I know at least 2 people have AA and KK, (and maybe the other opponents have hands like jj89, etc) so it's more likely that my wraps/small cards will hit the board. so as long as my hand had over 15% equity or so I'd be good.
I was stuck at the time and convinced myself, "hey, this is a nice spot to win a nice pot...wrap cards, likely high cards in opponents hand, great odds, lets try it"
However this game is soft and people stack off with bottom 2 so it's just bad that I decide to "gamble" when my equity is so low, right? eh as you can see I am still wavering, but I'm 80% sure I should have folded!
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