The difference between middle set and top set on a dry rainbow flop in a 3bet pot
Posted by SHIPHOP
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Low Stakes
The difference between middle set and top set on a dry rainbow flop in a 3bet pot
In a live full ring(10 handed) low stake PLO game, usually, every pot is multi-way.
On dry board like K82r, I think KK should be check most of the times, but 88 should be bet heavy, because there is a high percentage of chance that other players might turn a bigger set on Q-9 turn, and you rarely can cooler someone's entire stack with 88, but you can do that with kk.
What do you guys think, should i treat 88 and KK as the same hand on this board?
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Keep in mind SPR. If it's a deeper scenario, then KK is more likely than 22 most times when holding 88 combos yourself because trashy KK combos are played way more often than 22. With a lower SPR, you can essentially treat them the same most times. Two important things to keep in mind I would say here are card removal and the ability to exploit. Holding KK you block top pair combos hard, so there may be more incentive to sometimes slow playing that combo whereas with 88, AKQ/KQT combos are always giving action on K82r. Also, in those games you usually don't have to worry about balance all that much, so you can take lines with sizings that are going to target his range in a very exploitative manner.
I really like Nick's analysis but I would like to add something into consideration: it's not the same to be OOP or IP in these cases.
With KK:
IP I would never slowplay anything in a multiway pot, specially in a multiway pot.
Deep OOP c/c seems to be the better option and then c/r in turn with basically any card. Maybe another c/c if the card gives us chances to have a good protection of the hand. Besides, if we got all the good cards, c/r would probably make the villain to fold more often.
If our is not well protected, then c/r looks like the best option to avoid giving the villain good pot/odds.
With 88:
This spot is harder and to be honest I don't have an answer for this. Yesterday I lost really big pots to bigger sets more than one time in a few hours so I'm reconsidering my ideas about these spots.
Thoughts, comments? All are welcome.
Yeah, I think that's certainly a simple and reasonable way to put it. OOP we want to be able to often strengthen our checking ranges, so it makes since to consider that along with concepts such as SPR and what we block as far as his continuing range
bet them both someone will probably peel with one pair anyway
Very often haha.
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