switching to PLO - which games to play?
Posted by ENEMYfu
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Low Stakes
switching to PLO - which games to play?
Hey guys,
I've been really tired of playing NLH, as it seems as boring as it can get at the moment. Lost all the motivation to learn in to long run, and I've been thinking about switching to PLO for a long time and I've a few questions about my approach.
Since I masstabled most of my NLH days, I really want to focus on improving rather then on results. That being said, I was wondering whether playing 2 Tables Zoom PLO or focusing on 4 normal tables and "bumhunt" and focusing on getting reads is the better way to go in terms of learning? I'm kinda worried that playing 4 Tables only will just not make it in terms of volume, even tho bb/100 should be way higher.
I'll start from the very bottom of PLO2, so what would you suggest?
best regards!
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I also would like to get an opinion from the more advanced players.
I played 4 tables (2nl) as well as 2 in Zoom. I like the zoom-play better, because i just stepped into the game and have more discipline in hand and position selection, with a increase in pace. I like to play a faster paced game.
I catch myself playing to many hands from UTG and blinds for instance, burning myself on the regular tables, while in Zoom i can fold marginal situations a lot quicker until i get a better hang of the game.
Playing the 'what flop would you like with that hand' works for me in Zoom, but i can't bring up the patience and discipline on reg tables, so far...
IMO: on the regular tables, the competition is softer then in Zoom (they play way more hands). Zoom is more straightforward.
agreed with learnerguy, here is a link http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/38/small-stakes-pl-omaha/zoom50-unbeatable-1462282/ about zoom and how atrocious the rake is (it really is puke worthy). obv this is specifically 50plo, but if you're starting out stick to the normal tables, it's what i i did and will do for a while.
I recommend reg tables. Zoom players go on massive downswings because they play games with very low edges. If you game select rigorously and only play the softest two games at a limit you will have much bigger edges and will not downswing as hard. Zoom is just a massive rake trap.
Poker is really about studying and adapting to your opponents. This just is not really practical for zoom because you have different players every hand. Whereas with reg tables you can pay a ton of attention to what is going on, check out showdown hands religiously and begin to really exploit and destroy your opponents. Don't just look at hud stats. Look at showdown hands. Replay the hands. Get inside their heads and make detailed notes on tendencies. You can see from HUD stats that they are passive, but you can observe showdown hands and see that while they are passive they do bluff but do not value bet light. Then use these detailed reads to better inform your decisions at the table.
I agree with plolearnerguy. I highly suggest single tabling a regular table to start out. You will learn from your own mistakes much faster because you will be able to see it play out without new hands popping up on other tables to distract you, and you will have time in between hands to process WTF just happened. I also mass tabled NL and even LHE in the past, and am also bored with Texas, but when i started out in Omaha and 4 tabled, i just didn't do that well and even felt overwhelmed sometimes. My winrate is WAY higher with just one single table of regular Omaha. It is slightly more boring than 2 or 4 or more tables, but we aren't playing this game for fun, and it's still more fun than 8 tables of FRNL imho. I did play 6 tables of PLO2 the other day for fun, it was super crazy and i actually was winning, but i'm sure i was sacrificing reads and edges all over the place.
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