Submitting Hand Histories

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Submitting Hand Histories

Hey guys,

So I was thinking I might do a video or two where I review any hands that you would like to see discussed. I often find myself wondering what sorts of spots would be most interesting to everyone and I figured that if you all fire me some hands, that might be the best way for me to work that out. That said, I'm looking for anything which fits these two categories:

1) 4 to 6 handed. I don't play HU so figure there's no point me commenting on HU HHs.

2) Stakes up to 100PLO. These videos are meant to be on low-stakes PLO, so I'd prefer if they fell into this range. However, if you have something really cool from different stakes, I may well find a way to use it.

If you have any hands like that which you would like me to go over in the coming weeks, please email the HH file (one which I can import into PT4 to replay) to [email protected] If you could also include your forum screen name (shout outs!) and any extra info you have (reads, table dynamics etc.) that would be great - the more info I have, the better the discussion I'll be able to provide.

One thing I must ask is that any hands you select stay off the forums until I can let you know if I'll be using them - wouldn't want to make a video of hands we've all discussed on here already! I'll email you back regarding hand selection so that anything I don't have time to use you can post on here and get discussion going as normal.

All the best,


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