Stat review? Pl25
Posted by Bennyvo
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Low Stakes
Stat review? Pl25
Finally figured out how to beat 25pl and now i would like to increase my winrate. (Currently 9-10 bb over a decent sample)
I have a really small 3bet overall but around 5-6% vs steal .
My Co looks really tight but it's where i make most money, do i still need to loosen up?
EP is really tight but i've recently started to open a little more so it doesn't show.
Yeah, I would appreciate a review.
Sorry for the bad photo, i'm no paint expert.
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I cant see it. Not even when i download it.
How to make screenshots
Press the print key on your keyboard. Open Paint from Windows Accessories. Press "Strg" and "V" (at the same time). Select and crop what you want to share. Save image as png (not as jpg).
What about now? Weird , the image is Png
Nope. I just figured that RIO limits the image width to 630 pixels. So it is impossible to read the numbers. Try to capture the Pokertracker screen only. Use select and crop in Paint. You can post the value from the calculator as text if it is important.
Okay, think i figured it out.
Well, congrats. I agree with not 3betting too much in a high rake environment. Also depends a lot on your opponents at the table. "My C Blind" and "My C Won w/o Blind" are quite useless stats imho.
Well, thanks. I used to 3bet ALOT before, But afterall i didn't find it profitable at this stakes. Could of course be me, but i figured out it's best for me to not 3bet much. It also reduces variance, which is nice.
I think stats are of lesser importance at these stakes due to us playing an exploitable style rather than unexploitable. This causes our stats to vary due to the many different situations and players we encounter in these large playerpools. Some would say you're a little too tight, others would say it's fine, but the results are speaking for themselves. Even if the sample isn't huge, 40 BI upswings don't happen if you play bad, so you must be doing something right.
I don't think we can just forego 3b opportunities because we "feel like" it's not profitable, because it definitely is. On the other hand, 3betting something like 10-14% would be counterproductive in these games.
In my experience, good old solid TAG works quite well. The key factors are to work on the implications of SPR, board textures, and HU pots vs MW pots.
Hope this is of help to you. :)
Totally agree, I think i tighten'd up a little bit when i started 8tabling. But when i play aggressive games at like 50pl i automaticially go up to 27/20/6-8 . But afterall i have a profit in 3bet pots, Thanks for the answer :)
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