Smooth Equity Hands in Multi-way pots

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Smooth Equity Hands in Multi-way pots

This is a general strategy question...if UTG opens for pot and there are 3 callers and you are holding something like QJJ9ss or J987ds it's best just to fold right? I think I have been calling too much with pot odds as an excuse. Sort of the "even a random hand can flop the nuts" theory.You need to have a nutty component to be in a big pot situation right? JJ can flop top set but it's vulnerable. I think what confused me is that J10ss in nlhe plays great multiway but plo is different in that you want a really nutted hand when all the money goes in but not a hand that is likely to catch part of the flop but have dominated draws. I have won really big pots with low run downs after crazy pf action because they all had each others cards but that's the exception isn't it?

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