small, perhaps uninteresting pot
Posted by plolearnerguy
Posted by plolearnerguy posted in Low Stakes
small, perhaps uninteresting pot
Hero $33.25 opens first in from the CO (4 handed game) for pot with AcKc5sTd. What is a good amount of hands to RFI from the CO and indeed from all other positions? I guess for the CO it somewhat depends on how button and the blinds play. If we have a really tight button we can play more hands in the CO. Anyway both blinds call and there is now $5.25 in the pot. SB has $24.25 and BB covers us both.
Flop comes Ah4h4s.
So I have TPTK. Without taking into account the fact that people are more likely to play hands with aces in them than fours, it looks equally likely that I have the worst or best hand. Because the board is paired draws might fold quite easily and there are 17 board texture changing cards. Both blinds check to me. Should I bet fold small here? I decided to check.
Turn comes 9c. Board is Ah4h4s9c. I still have TPTK and am beaten by 4x, any full house or A9. They both check to me again. Now I think three of a kind is much less likely and even a full house is usually going to be betting so I bet half the pot. Was this the correct decision?
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