situational btn steal
Posted by nerevar23
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Low Stakes
situational btn steal
If you have 2 guys with 70+ vpip in the blinds and 0 3bet, how wide should you open? Is 80% too much? Also these types don't like to fold flops or checkraise unless they are super nutted.
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yeah raise about as much as you can. Since you have very little worries about getting raised ever you can realize a ton of equity in position. With guys like this I really look at how light they call rivers and adjust my aggression accordingly (bluff more when they x/f or are never bluff cathing, value bet wide when they can not make easy folds)
Can you say specifically what stat you look at? Is it "saw showdown", "won at showdown", "called river bet", or something else?
The statement was more referring to the hands that I have seen (or the lack of hands seen) at showdown. IE a weak player who will not fold his AAxx hands in 3b pots, and call me down on straight and flush run outs. I might make a bad bluff once, but I will adjust and start to value bet super wide (maybe as weak as flushes). These weak guys read hands and boards one of two ways.
1)they are thinking about their hand and really don't think about the range that you are repping (call you super light in spots)
2)They understand that PLO is a big draw game and are constantly worried about making the nuts (have a leak of over folding rivers)
I do use WTSD% and W$SD but I really use these stats on the flop and turn when I start to think if I am going to fire two or three streets. If some one has a fold to cb% of 40% but a WTSD% of <20% I know that they are going to lose heart often during hands and I will fire away if I feel like I am repping the nuts well. Like wise if someone has a fold to cbet of 65% and a WTSD% of 60% I know that I am getting so few folds on turns and rivers to justify barreling unless it's for value.
You can open a wide range with impunity. You can also openlimp some of your weakest hands and raise bigger with a stronger range. That could be better. But any strategy that involves playing lots of pots in position will be good against these players.
Raise/limp a lot pre, and start either checking some hands back, or barrel turn and river relentlessly, depending on how they play post-turn. Some opponents x/c flop and turn without much thoughts only to x/f a ton on the river, and against these guys you can 3barrel with a wide range. Other opponents will x/c flop and fold a ton on turn, etc etc.
I agree with ^ and ^^ with a limping + larger raise size being best. Players with those types of stats prob are not going to be punishing you on HHH or HHL boards after you limp w your weakish low-card heavy range.
I feel so dirty limping my weaker hands and raising my strong ones =) i feel as though i'm disrespecting my opponents. If i limp btn and guy raises, it counts as a 3bet?
You disrespect your opponents just by sitting down to play ("You suck, lol"), so they probably won't get offended if you limp a little. :-)
no it would count as single raise (pfr not 3b)
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