Set over set - Can I fold?
Posted by Colm Tuite
Posted by
Colm Tuite
posted in
High Stakes
Set over set - Can I fold?
Blinds: $25.00/$50.00 (5 Players)
BB: $5000.00
UTG: $7010.38
CO: $4912.53
BN: $6140.90
SB: $16414.40 (Hero)
UTG: $7010.38
CO: $4912.53
BN: $6140.90
SB: $16414.40 (Hero)
Hero is SB with
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Final Pot
wins and shows a full house, Queens full of Fours|a full house, Queens full of Fours.
SB lost and shows a full house, Sevens full of Fours|a full house, Sevens full of Fours.
CO wins $10127.06
Rake is $3.00
SB lost and shows a full house, Sevens full of Fours|a full house, Sevens full of Fours.
CO wins $10127.06
Rake is $3.00
Should I just flat turn and fold river?
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No you cannot fold because villain can have dominated value in his range , like Q4,74 or some people can VB A4 on a blank. So you either XC turn and XC river. Or XR turn and stack off.
Ur sizing sucks though , u should make it more 2k instead of potting.
Also ur call pre is kind of terrible.
Yep I agree you should raise less on turn, opponent only calls this big raise when he has you crushed.
I prefer to flat on the turn, it's kind of hard to get action from worse hands, you also have a 4 in your hand, less Q4 combos for CO to have.
I mean if u choose to raise, raise less but i guess better option is to XC turn and then on river you can decide whats suits you more either XC or XF.
x/c turn, x/c most rivers I would think is the standard line're repping SO strong by x/r turn, I think you get more value by allowing his bluffs to continue otr plus you lose less taking x/c, x/c line here when this unfortunate situation happens.
Why play this hand in the first place if you gonna fold the 2nd nut fullhouse? Trying to flop straight flushes?
Did you really just asked those questions?
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