Set and straight vs 54/24 fish very high SPR
Posted by Andrey Kravchenko
Posted by
Andrey Kravchenko
posted in
Low Stakes
Set and straight vs 54/24 fish very high SPR
Blinds: $0.05/$0.10 (6 Players)
MP: $10.00
CO: $10.00
BN: $13.39
SB: $20.93 (Hero)
BB: $10.15
UTG: $27.23
CO: $10.00
BN: $13.39
SB: $20.93 (Hero)
BB: $10.15
UTG: $27.23
Hero is SB with
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I think preflop is standard since a few weak players already enter the pot we can profitably call.
OTF BU can stab pretty wide so I think there is only 1 option available, no need to raise.
OTT things getting a little bit complicated since BU bets again and pretty big, pretty much polarizing his hand, I decided to call since some players can definitely overplay 78 or hands like 2 pair or sets.
OTR is a pretty tough spot, generally, I think that we have to fold, there are no fd available OTF and OTT, and we are blocking a lot of str8 draws but we don't block Kx which is a key I guess. Any thoughts?
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BTN represents a very strong hand by betting that flop against multiple people. Its very rare that they have anything else than nut straight here. Call the turn/fold the river.
Agreed with miami002, but wanted to point out something:
I don't know whether this player will or not, but button should stab very rarely here in a 5-way pot, especially for this sizing. He should have an extremely strong range.
If he were stabbing wide, including 2nd and 3rd nut straights as well as sets or 2pr+oesd, that would be more reason to raise - not less.
I think you were right to just call flop, but wanted to point out that a wide stabbing range is not the reason for it - it's for the opposite reason.
I hope that's helpful!
I'm folding pre. JJ generally doesn't cut it for me re: setmining, and with 3 of a non-nut suit MW I don't love a flush/draw anyway. And the QJJ8 connectedness isn't so compelling that we need to see a flop, imo.
Finally, we're in the SB, which leaves us OOP for the whole hand, and that's just an added penalty to all of the above. (Plus, if BB reraises, we really need to fold.)
This may sound tight, but I think most people play too loose from the SB, so. (Actually, if you're going to play this combo, I probably prefer a 3bet to a call. But it's probably not quite 3bet-worthy, so I fold.)
I'm check-raising flop. You block the nuts a little and hold the second nuts with top set (and backdoor hearts, which counts for a little if only a little). If this player is as loose as you're suggesting, even if they 3bet you OTF I don't think you need to assume you're crushed (as it's really hard for you to be).
Even if they only have KQ or TT, you're an equity favorite.
Furthermore, you want to clean up your equity against the rest of the table, imo.
As played, on future streets you haven't given villain any reason to believe they don't have the best hand (or that they can't bluff you out of the pot). So with the second nuts from beginning to end post-flop, whether folding is too tight or not depends on the villain.
You've said they're loose, but are they "fire three bullets without the nuts" loose? If not, you can fold the river more often.
Folding pre is a good option, as you can see I'm posting this hand to get more fresh thoughts and opinions as I definitely only building my own strategy.
This player looks like more on a tighter post-flop side, so folding river seems good.
devwil I think you can argue fold vs. call (I think it's a call but not by a lot), but I think 3bet is significantly worse than both. This hand plays poorly against a 4bet, poorly in a multiway 3b pot, and not great in a HU 3b pot. It's the kind of hand you need to see if you hit the flop before committing a lot of money, as you end up with a middling hand quite often.
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