SB vs BB battle -Postflop approach
Posted by Andreas Fröhli
Posted by Andreas Fröhli posted in Low Stakes
SB vs BB battle -Postflop approach
of winning money in the blinds.
My hand history confirms his statements that I don't show enough profit versus a SB steal while I'm in the BB. In fact I am really bad at playing against a SB raise because I can't really read wide ranges that well. I see that some players try to raise almost any4 out of the SB against me because I don't defend that often.
-I tend to 3bet more often against this player, with a similar range as from BU vs CO.
-I also defend a lot of hands, but then often fold to a Cbet OTF, which is really bad.
-Against some players, it is better to raise OTF to make them fold and against others, it's better to float and just call. What has proven to be the better solution against unknown villain and why? -Of course, I tend to attack certain boards, Monotone while I have NF blockers etc.
-On the other hand, I think, I'm showing decent profit vs. nits, who never defend their BB and also fold to a CBet often, so I'm not the only one with this leak! It's not horrible, but I could have a better winrate and I need to have a better one to move up from PLO25 soon and play more competent people on PLO50.
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