SB vs BB 3bet pot!
Posted by Imfish4u
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Low Stakes
SB vs BB 3bet pot!
SB: $134.47 (Hero)
BB: $82.25
UTG: $40.06
HJ: $79.09
CO: $88.47
BN: $89.60
BB: $82.25
UTG: $40.06
HJ: $79.09
CO: $88.47
BN: $89.60
(6 Players)
Hero was dealt
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $1.50, BB raises to $4.50, Hero calls $3
Just played this hand in zoom, had over a minute of time bank and still couldnt make a decision so i folded. I also think that it is a very close one but i do think folding here is the better option against this kind of opponent.
Got 250 hands on my opponent plays 28/15/6 and aggro factor of only 1.6, fold to SB steal is only 25% which is quite low for this limit.
What do you guys think about 4betting this pre since we are deeper? We will get lots of fold on A high boards we have good board coverage on the lower ones and we can also call a 5bet.
Got 250 hands on my opponent plays 28/15/6 and aggro factor of only 1.6, fold to SB steal is only 25% which is quite low for this limit.
What do you guys think about 4betting this pre since we are deeper? We will get lots of fold on A high boards we have good board coverage on the lower ones and we can also call a 5bet.
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
BB bets $2.50,
Hero calls $2.50
Flop i think i could go either way, raise or just call since i have lots of equity vs AA but i do think that his range here is a lot higher when it is SB vs BB
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
BB bets $11,
Hero calls $11
Turn is a mistake because i think it will be a good idea to lead here so i know where i am at and it puts him in a tough spot with lots of hands.
(2 Players)
Hero checks,
BB bets $24,
Hero folds
Really not sure what to do here. I expected lot of checks from KK or AA and i dont really beat any of his value hands, which are QQ and Q8.
Thanks for any advice!
Thanks for any advice!
Final Pot
wins $34.38
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If villain was 3betting a ton I don't mind 4betting this, but my default play is to call. Also, JT96ds can actually be dominated by lots of hands that they 3bet/call 4bet, like better rundowns.
Flop I'd play the same, his small bet is really weird and we might be drawing slim, but can't really fold to this small bet. But I think he will bet bigger with total air like AJT5$ds, and most of rundowns either hit a pair (Qx) or trips on this board, so who knows, he might be betting small with those hands plus some weird AA/KK combos. Against that range, raising seems okayish but a bit dicey.
I thought about leading on the turn too, but the problem with it is that flop was rainbow and T improves a big chunk of our flatting range, so we can't really rep air when leading the turn. Still, I guess we can get called by suspicious AA/KK that will check back turn a decent amount of time (if we bet small), and it's very unlikely that we will get bluff raised by bare trips. That makes me like bet/folding, but it gets trickier again if he just flats on the turn and we get to the river - against this guy who has low AF I think we are probably behind if another bet goes in on the river. Because of that, I don't know, I'd x/c turn and x/decide on the river, or bet river if he checks back turn (and fold if he jams).
As played river looks like a fold. First off, you have lots of trips and straights in your range, yet he doesn't care and triple barrels. Secondly, he bet very small on flop and followed up with larger bets (but not terribly large) on turn/river - if he were on a bluff, I think he would have started with a bigger flop bet. Thirdly, we don't block any boats except for TT, which is unlikely.
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