Right area for a blog post?
Posted by Terrier56
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Low Stakes
Right area for a blog post?
Hey guys,
I am new to this site and was looking to post a series of comments as I grind low stakes PLO. Would this be a good platform to do so? I will include plenty of graphs and hands in the subject matter.
I have only played about 3000 hands recently at 5PLO and am currently winning at 50BB/100 on stars. Probably not sustainable but I would like to think I am not too bad.
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Hi, and welcome to Run It Once!
This is a great platform to post a poker journal, and get some feedback on it. You may post it here, or you may post it in Chatter / Poker Journals. Your choice. You may get more overall readers in chatter, but probably get more players focused on PLO if you post here. Whichever you choose, you may want to post an one-off announcement in the other place. But probably just as a link, no need to cross post later on.
50 bb/100 is a nice win rate, but not sustainable as you pointed out yourself. It is possible to achieve pretty decent win rates though, and what you learn will serve you well at higher stakes. Check out some of these threads for more discussion on that, and perhaps for some inspiration and entertainment:
Experiment: Starting with $100
Experiment: Starting with $1000
Experiment: Starting with $2500
A cpl threads are a bit old, but they still apply. I know this as I recently tested it myself, withdrew my BR save for $50 and grinded it up through the zoom levels up to 500Z now. Not easy, but it does work. Also check out the Essential videos if you haven't already. Great value for your $$!
Yes its very good site to do so. Feel free to share all your interesting hands. Welcome to RIO!
Hey, Terrier. Welcome to RIO!
Jonna gave you a great answer, so I don't have much to add. It might be worthwhile to state some specific goals. This way, you'd have something to focus on, and other RIO members can give you advice and feedback with your goals in mind.
Good luck!
Thanks for replies,
Jonna I did read all those posts earlier. Very impressive work. I am not a fan on zoom though.
I will work on setting some goals and get right down to playing/improving!
I for one look forward to your forth coming blog posts.
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