Review/Study and 'deliberate practice' - learning PLO as a new player

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Review/Study and 'deliberate practice' - learning PLO as a new player

I've played for a couple of years for fun after getting into the game from home games with friends, and tried to pick the game up by only playing and watching some videos here and there.  That clearly isn't good enough for me to really improve so I'm going to try and set up some study topics to get me going.  As a new player of course I need to understand fundamentals and avoid consistently making big mistakes before moving on to the smaller details.  I've picked up some of the basics here and there from videos and discussion. I'm still clearly struggling on some basics, like playing too many hands out of position.  

I can work on that, but feel like I have to get very specific in my study or it's just too much to try and find and plug all leaks at once.  I'm not at the level of getting benefit from all kinds of hand history discussions or videos of live play and hand history reviews because I don't have the fundamentals to analyse all sorts of different types of hands.  Today I decided to try this:

Play 500 hands at a time and then stop and review:

1) make a filter in pokertracker to review only hands played on the button where I played in the hand.  Pick out a few interesting ones and work though the basics - my preflop range and range of opponent, hand reading through the hand, SPR, possible equity, opponent profiling, possible lines, analyse flop texture, plan for hand etc.

2) quickly go over big pots where I lost a lot of money and see if I'm making a big mistake

Post a couple of hands after each 500 hand session.

Also study theory videos and work with PPT.

How does this sound?  After working on the button for some time I could then focus on more specific spots such as each type of flop, or move on to playing from another position.  


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ZenFish 11 years, 5 months ago

This sounds pretty good! Equity-checking the biggest pots of the session is a good practice, since big leaks will show up there, and you'll train your equity intuition. Some other suggestions for things to look at early:

- EP opens (this is low-hanging fruit)

- Calling 3-bets (especially OOP)

- Blind defense 

Leaking money OOP is a common problem for new players, and you can play very tight there to begin with. Splash around in position instead, and gradually loosen up your OOP game as you get better postflop.

OMGredline 11 years, 5 months ago

Thanks, I'm somewhat ok on preflop, but always found postflop difficult to get anywhere. 

After some weeks/months of reviewing button hands I'll move to/add in hands from SB so I learn more about blind defense and OOP play.

arukidinme 11 years, 5 months ago

One common leak that I had and I think it's common in genral is calling too many 3bs with one pair hands.  We really only want to call with the best of these.  While we might open button with Qs775ss it's often esy to justify a call since villains range is tight but we are going to flop poorly and not get the value we need in the long run to justify the calls.

Also tight from UTG and HJ, SB (probably should be similar ranges from all position when you are learning and probably the best 20% of hands till you get more comfortable playing OOP.  I also like to play the equity game and try to guess the all in equities on the fly, even hands I am not in.  After the hand I will pop up my hem to see how close I was.  I find this is a good way to see the type of hands and situations you might over value.  It's kind of like using my HH as flash cards.  As time goes on you will get better and better at figuring out the equity of hand vs hand situations which will help you think about hand vs range equities.

Last it might be expensive ATM but odds oracle is a must in the long run for studying the game, you can learn a lot about PLO from this one tool. 

JimmyGlass 11 years, 5 months ago

2) quickly go over big pots where I lost a lot of money and see if I'm making a big mistake

go over both, winning and loosing ones, to see whether u've made mistake and lost or made mistake and got lucky ;)

I'm just marking hands through the session and reviewing 'em after. usually around 15hands after 2.5k sample.

OMGredline 11 years, 5 months ago

That doesn't seem to work for me.  Trying to review all kinds of different hands at once brings up many different concepts at once and it's overload.  If I stick to hands on the button then I simplify it because I'm always in position.

OMGredline 11 years, 5 months ago

I played 400 hands tonight and lost 10 buy ins, my little bankroll is gone and I need to reload next week.  I was constantly getting it in very bad, on the flop, and paying off when villains hit their outs, and missing my outs most of the time.  I just couldn't believe how when I hit a good hand almost every time tonight the villain had the nuts and how they kept making their hands over and over and over...  If I have another session like that I need to set a stop loss and not play for a while, but I  never experienced it like this before.

arukidinme 11 years, 5 months ago

Pretty common downswing, stop losses never hurt while learning the game.  Also when I am working on my game I like to record my session and than watch it later in the week. Need a half decent computer to record, play and use hem or pt4 but this really helps me when I am feeling like I might not be playing good.  I know future Chris is mean and harsh when reviewing hands and I don't want him to berate me for losing his money.

While its common to lose 10bis in a session we don't want it to become our excuse for bad sessions.  Your on here so some work and time and I imagine you will be fine.

DirtyD 11 years, 5 months ago

Those kind of sessions happen in PLO. You might consider posting some of the hands to check if they were really coolers or maybe you could have got away cheaper in some spots.

OMGredline 11 years, 5 months ago

I was playing bad and running bad.  Paying off passive players and getting it in very bad was something I really struggled with when starting, I have been getting better but didn't play for a few days and my patience to fold was worse again.  I can use the rest of the week to study, in the past when this happened I would just stop playing for a week or something.  Trying to take a long-term view this time!

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