Really bad played. Is fold bad on river?
Posted by Sneaky_Z
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Low Stakes
Really bad played. Is fold bad on river?
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $48.25
SB: $24.44
BB: $42.61
UTG: $66.09
MP: $81.52 (Hero)
CO: $27.99
SB: $24.44
BB: $42.61
UTG: $66.09
MP: $81.52 (Hero)
CO: $27.99
Hero is MP with
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Final Pot
UTG wins $66.85
Rake is $2.00
Rake is $2.00
Tilted so I tried to slow play flop out of frustration to get paid. Read River wrong and thought I had the nuts. Is it possible that he's bluffing because he did not put me on AA? Should I have called when I get to 3: 1?
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pre is good.
flop you should bet. there is really no rational argument in favour of checking. you give free cards, villain might be c/r ing you, u have a massive hand so build a pot as a favourite. you are even in position so can take free showdown on scary run outs if you want. also on around half of the turns we are no longer going to be comfortable stacking off.
turn is good.
I think on the river you should probably flat. villain's sizing makes him look polarized to nuts or bluffs. you have to call because it is possible he is value betting worse or bluffing and also QJ is not that likely a hand to have although it is possible (probably w/ some kind of hearts). unlikely villain takes a c/c line on turn with 89. after you raise and he comes over the top i think it is a virtual lock he has QJ so fold is sound.
I am not sure that turn is a good check, still plenty of value to be had. I would need a very specific reason not to bet, i.e. opponent folds everything (lower sets, all 2 pair hands) on the turn that it is not the nuts or some strong wraps with FD.
I agree, that you can not raise the river against that sizing. You are basically turning your hand into a bluff with a hand that has too much showdown value, and there are no worse hands that will call your raise.
UTG range is so KKQx, KQQx, KQJx, maybe even J1098ds heavy that you need to start building the pot and defending your hand immediately. Theres no point to check otf. River is a clear fold. Theres 2 straights on the board and you don`t have any blockers.
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