real deep full ring 20/40 at commerce. Get 300+ bigs in on the flop
Posted by Jonathan Poche
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Jonathan Poche
posted in
High Stakes
real deep full ring 20/40 at commerce. Get 300+ bigs in on the flop
Flop is Tc 8c 4d (1660)
Sb leads basically pot and is all in, utg+1 makes it 5.1k, I go all in. He tanks about a minute and calls.
Anyone find a way to not get it in there. Thoughts on utg +1 is that he had been real active and playing well for the most part. He could be isoing semi lite. Im pretty sure his range is top two +, top pair + fd+, all sets obv and perhaps kings +nfd. Idk. Thoughts are apreciated
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