randown OOP, hitting TOP2 +gutshot

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randown OOP, hitting TOP2 +gutshot

BN: 107.02
SB: 61.14 (Hero)
BB: 85.59
Preflop (0.75) (3 Players)
Hero was dealt 7 6 4 8
BN raises to 1.50, Hero calls 1.25, BB calls 1
Flop (4.50) 3 8 4 (3 Players)
Hero checks, BB checks, BN bets 3.25, Hero calls 3.25, BB raises to 10.50, BN folds
BTN 24\17 open BU 39%, fold to 3 bet 5%
cb 64% flop
BB 58\19 def passive flop aggro 24% c/r 0(6)

a)preflop could be a 3bet, but BU is flopding slightly above 40% vs cb in 3b POT, so that was a main factor for call + I decided hand has some playability 3way

b) donk would be better option,right?
facing c/r by passive one - we're blocking sets, still could be 33 easily even w\ this sizing. we would be lucky to be flipining vs draws here, as if its way he decided to paly a draw - thats gonna be a good one - 567Ahh or something

we're ~120bb deep.

any thoughts ?

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