Questionable cbet turns underfull; how to play final two streets?
Posted by devwil
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Questionable cbet turns underfull; how to play final two streets?
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (4 Players)
CO: $51.60
BN: $91.47
SB: $103.83 (Hero)
BB: $42.38
BN: $91.47
SB: $103.83 (Hero)
BB: $42.38
CO has only been at the table for about 3 hands at this point.
Hero is SB with
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It's a pretty weak QQ combo, but I've found that ISO'ing out of the SB after just one player limps wins the pot immediately often enough for this to be a viable play. I'll tend to have pretty good visibility with sets and flushes, so I'm not super worried about that.
I don't super duper love this cbet, but there are reasons to make it: I can use some protection against Axxx, my Qh4h make it less likely that CO will have a flush draw, and—outside of K, 22, and AA—I'm actually pretty strong right now. I think it's an okay if non-mandatory bet/fold spot.
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I felt like check/calling earned me the most money from worse hands here. hh and JT can semibluff, but if I bet and the pot starts getting really big I think I have reason to worry about being second-best.
Similar thought process to the turn: with losing hands, I think villain can bet wider than they can call.
hh misses, but I have hh so it's a less likely that they had that. How to extract max value from worse without value-eviscerating myself against overfulls?
hh misses, but I have hh so it's a less likely that they had that. How to extract max value from worse without value-eviscerating myself against overfulls?
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the best play is to check and fold. villain must have a king to peel the flop, and will not value bet trips on the river.
There is no way I'm insta-check/folding (with no consideration of bet size) a heavily disguised full house when a flush draw has missed and the kickers for a lot of the potential overfulls haven't come in.
Re: villain peeling flop and betting river, I think these are extremely overconfident and absolute conclusions.
it sounds gross but B/F or X/C.
B/F will get value from trips but fold out his air and get jammed on by boats
X/C will allow him to bet his air, but we also pay off the times he has boats and he doesn't value bet trips
tough spot. I would prob. x/c because his limping range will have a lot of suited aces that he can bluff. I don't know the combos off hand but this is a ISO pot and not a 3B pot so his range is going to be wider. Especially when he is IP vs OOP
Turn and forward
I would think that at turn bet-fold would have been a better line.
You still block two queens, so it is less likely that villan has KQ, which is the most common hand that beats you. Still it is more likely that villain has Kxxx hand which is not yet full house.
By choosing a check-call line you will put money in when you are behind, but potentially get less money from hands that are behind you. By check-calling you will only get more money from completely floats. Whether flush-draw will bet IP when checked into is also quite rare I guess.
At PLO 50 I don't expect an unknown villain to raise you if he doesn't have a FH there.
For bet-sizing it is more difficult. By betting pot, you will most likely get calls only from Kxxx hands while betting smaller you can also get calls from flush-draws. Still I would say that you most likely miss more value by betting small.
Thinkg about exploiting streets for maximum value I would like to bet pot at turn. However that would make your hand more transparent, which will reduce the value you could get from trips at river. By betting 75% each street you will get the final pot to be 6,25 times turn pot. If you bet full pot at turn and 1/2 pot at river you will only get 6 times pot. That's why I recommend to keep steady bet-size around 75% of pot for each street and fold to the raise.
I agree here with MegaGrinder, betting turn would be better than C/C. Hes not probably betting all his Kxxx combos but is most likely calling those vs resonable bet size. As played river is tricky. Villain can put you hard situation betting pot, if you check.
I dont play 50plo yet but on 10plo people dont semibluff enough these kind of spots on turn where board is paired. If this is the case also on 50plo, I like smallish bet on river to get value from K and fold for a raise.
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