QQ in position from button vs Sb and Bb. flop play?
Posted by halperin45
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High Stakes
QQ in position from button vs Sb and Bb. flop play?
Hero (button) - Ah Qs Qd 3s
Folds to hero - Raise button
Sb call
BB call
Flop - 8s Jd 9s
Sb - leads pot
BB - folds
Hero - ?
I think this is just a fold but wasnt positive. Queen high flush draw and of course the two queen blockers but not sure they are too relevant?
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It depends on what wide a range he leads three way on flops, but given that most people only lead the nuts or sets + flushdraw (or maybe the second nuts) i would just fold here, especially With Q high flush draw, with A high flushdraw i would be more inclined to maybe peal on the flop, then lead on a T or a blank or pairing board if checked to, but mostly fold i would say.
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