Preflop ranges in very loose games

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Preflop ranges in very loose games

The title kind of says it all. But let me be a little more specific. Imagine the following 6-max game:

  • Table with many very loose passive players:
    • most villains play almost every hand, mostly by limping (say the fold bottom 20%-30%)
    • villains (mostly) do not fold to preflop raises, to isolation raises or to 3-bets
    • most villains cold call behind to isolation raises or 3bets
    • As a consequence, all flops are multiway, most of them 4 or 5 handed!
    • Postflop some villains play fit or fold (and understand relative hand strength), others are more sticky/stationy and some others stabby if it looks like nobody wants the pot

So, given the above conditions:
- In general, what ranges/type of hands would you play? What VPIP/PFR/3bet would you expect to have?
- How much are you tightening up with respect to your default/no reads play?
- Do you still mainly enter pots by raising (ISO, 3-bets, open raise) or do you develop a wide limping/overlimping preflop range given that nobody folds preflop?
- Where do your expect your money/edge to come from in a heavily-raked table like the one described above?

In case the above is still too vague/general, imagine you are in the CO, both UTG and HJ limp before you:
-What is your iso range ($4b5 / $3b10i / $fi15 / $fi30, other)? (please remember that you will very likely get cold call behind by one or more players and the limpers won't fold preflop, so the flop will end up 4 or 5-way most of the times)
-What is your overlimping range if any?


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