Preflop: bad AAxx in blinds vs iso
Posted by sted9000
Posted by sted9000 posted in Mid Stakes
Preflop: bad AAxx in blinds vs iso
CO: $200.93
BN: $386.90
SB: $206.42 (Hero)
BB: $200
BN: $386.90
SB: $206.42 (Hero)
BB: $200
(4 Players)
Hero was dealt
CO calls $2, BN raises to $9, Hero calls $8, BB folds, CO calls $7
CO calls $2, BN raises to $9, Hero calls $8, BB folds, CO calls $7
Reads: limper is 57/15 loose passive recreational player, btn iso'er is reg with 50% open OTB
Question: Cold call or 3b ?
Thoughts: Raising leaves a SPR of around 3.5, assuming the limper folds. I also believe that opponent will put me on a lot of AAxx combos so it will get a bit tricky on a ton of flops. CC'ing leaves me in poor position post flop with a hand that has good hot and cold equity but doesn't have much playability.
I am leaning towards 3b'ing and stacking off on a lot of flops (when it goes HU with the btn).
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