Poker Tracker 4 or not?

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Poker Tracker 4 or not?

Right. I'm from Denmark so if my English is not flawless I'm sorry. :-)

I am not a pro but I play pretty regularly at the 0.10 - 0.25 PLO Zoom tables at Pokerstars. I have been playing online on an amateur basis on and off during the last ten years, but I only recently started to join training sites. I know little about the technical poker terms and when watching videos I do not always fully understand the different numbers on the hud displays (I know people have different stats displayed due to individual choices). This is not a brag post I'm just trying to figure out if I would benefit from investing in Poker Tracker 4. (I would have to by another computer as well, as I have been told that hud does not function on a Mac) I have played a lot during the last month on the above mentioned stakes and have won 33 buy ins altogether. Even though I do not have a hand count I think it is safe to say that I am a winning player. I have greatly benefitted from watching videos from Tom Coldwell, Sam Lang and Phil Galfond but as I mentioned I do not always understand the terms, and thereby logic, used when deciphering the different situations. 

This leads me to my question. I am a winning player without the use of Poker Tracker 4 and the hud display. Would it be a good choice to buy PT4? What do you guys think? Would love to hear from people playing similar stakes - what are your experiences with PT4? All answers will be much appreciated! 

Thanks in advance!

Kind regards, 


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JimmyGlass 11 years, 2 months ago

.10-.25 is beatable without hud, going up, you would struggle (probably)without any stats.

I have been told that hud does not function on a Mac

not a Mac user - but almost sure thats not true.

tracker (HM2\PT4) gives you advantage and allows you to play more tables 

NocturnalX 11 years, 2 months ago

Ok. So when I get to the point where my roll is big enough to go up in stakes it would be a smart move to get PT4. Thank you, sir. :)

Joao Leao 11 years, 2 months ago

I use PT4 on a Mac. It works fine and I'm very happy with it but... unfortunately the HUD doesn't work only for Zoom tables. PT4 developers say this has to do with Apple's privacy policy and that it's not on their hands to fix this issue before Apple does something about it.

NocturnalX 11 years, 2 months ago

Thanks Joao Leao. That is exactly what I needed to hear. Really did not want to buy PT4 before I was sure it would work for my purposes or until I get my hands on another computer!

Simon Ash 11 years, 2 months ago

On this subject - as I am debating PT4 (which being a Mac user it would have to be); what kind of set-up would you have for someone who has never used a hud before i.e what key stats to start with

Fyrsten 11 years, 2 months ago

As Jonna mentioned, the default is pretty good.

steal%,fsteal%,limp,3bet,VPIP,open-fold,flopfoldcb,turnfoldcb. thats some of the stats I use playing 25$ zoom

jonna102 11 years, 2 months ago

For someone just starting out with PT4, the default HUD's are quite good enough in my opinion.  Once you get used to some of the basic stats you can start adding more and more that you're interested in.

jonna102 11 years, 1 month ago

I think the license is good for two computers.  I use it on my desktop pc and my laptop (mac) with a shared database.  Works perfectly, and you could use separate databases too if you want.

unbuwoha 11 years, 2 months ago

You do not only benefit from the HUD itself. PT4 also tracks your own hands. You can analyze your play from different positions and/or vs villains opening/3betting from different positions. It is a great tool to plug your leaks. It is also highly customizable (make your own stats, HUD layout, reports with own filters). One can post PT4 related questions in the PT4 forums, I always got an answer quickly.

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