PLO50z - TripsTK deep vs 3-barrel
Posted by bdon22
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Low Stakes
PLO50z - TripsTK deep vs 3-barrel
Blinds: $0.25/$0.50 (6 Players)
BN: $43.42
SB: $50.25
BB: $224.91
UTG: $29.29
MP: $89.63
CO: $130.90 (Hero)
SB: $50.25
BB: $224.91
UTG: $29.29
MP: $89.63
CO: $130.90 (Hero)
Hero is CO with
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Not sure what he's repping but I'm at the top of my range here obv especially when not many 4x are in my 3B range so I'm pretty happy about calling river. Thoughts?
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Im not happy at all to call the river, but its so hard to lay down aswell. It would help to have some info about villain. He`s repping KK and he should have plenty of those in his range. Although with kings I think he may be raising a bit smaller on the flop to get some curiosity calls from AA.
I would probably ship the turn. If he was pure bluffing, he could have picked up a flushdraw and I don`t want him to get such a cheap price to beat us in a big pot. His sizing is pretty logical for this scenario.
I think shoving turn causes him to play correctly if he has a FD. The reason I just flatted was to let him barrel the river if it blanks, repping KK. He could also be turning a hand like QQ/JJ into a bluff here thinking this board is better for his range than mine. I almost never have 4x in my MP 3-betting range and he should have more KK than I do. Against a LAG player (which he is) I think these are the spots to call down and let them do the betting.
@Ploomg If you decided that you wanted to ship the turn, you're committed anyway.
Why not let him bluff and at the same time we can see a safe river or make a better hand and call.
Mostly for not letting him outdraw us so cheaply (flush-draw, worse 4x) and because I`m not sure he is going to bluff the river very often with only half pot bet left.
It's either KKxx, 4xxx or a bluff.
It feels like he's trapping because of the small bet sizing on the turn. But who cares really. After we call the flop and turn, we're not folding.
We are at the top of our check/calling range and he could be doing this with worse trips. It's a pretty easy call imo.
Called and villain showed AJTT with no hearts. I guess he was playing my range and got lucky OTR.
Nh and well played.
Well played, losing only to 3 combos of KK which will slowplay often, having the hand totally locked down.
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