PLO100 zoom: 3bet pot oop with AA+nut gutshot

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PLO100 zoom: 3bet pot oop with AA+nut gutshot

BN: $80.28
SB: $140.83 (Hero)
BB: $309.22
UTG: $100
HJ: $130.22
CO: $216.58
Preflop ($1.50) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt A 7 J A
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN raises to $3, Hero raises to $10, BB folds, BN calls $7
Btn stats is 53/32 and fold to 3bet 3 out of 7 over 39 hands(so just unknown)
Agf on each street is 47/67/60 if this helps.
Attempt to steal-LP: 4 out of 7

This is not great AA but given that he is btn with wide range, I decided to 3bet.
Flop ($21.50) 6 T Q (2 Players)
Hero bets $14, BN calls $14
I am actually not sure whether cbet is any good. This board hits his range reasonably and if his 3bet calling range is reasonable, I don't think i get folds enough. obv I don't think i can call if he gii otf.
What do you guys think? I ran a quick sim assuming his 3bet calling range and I have nearly 50% equity otf with my AA+gutshot.
Turn ($49.50) 6 T Q 7 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $46.80, Hero folds
I just didn't think I have 35% equity on this turn. I guess I would continue on 2,3,4,5,6,K,A turn..
Any thoughts?
Final Pot
BN wins $46.80


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midori 11 years ago

Flat > 3b pre imo

Flop I'd x/jam or pot/call

Pretty easy shove on turn as played, I don't see how we can x/f here like ever

Haru 11 years ago

would you 3bet if this hand is single-suited? I agree with you except the turn. I thought turn was close that I don't know the answer at all. can you describe on which turn cards are we getting it in ott? (and why?)

midori 11 years ago

Yes, if it was suited to the A.

I just can't imagine how we don't have 35% against his range.  He didn't raise on flop so we can rule out tons of strong hands.  I'd pretty much jam on every turn, only exceptions might be 9 and J.  This turn (7) doesn't really change much, and even if it does, it's hard for us not to have 35%.

midori 11 years ago

microcrusher: Yes, on turn we have SPR~1 and we are quite ahead of flop calling range.  Of course that doesn't mean we always have to jam (because he can fold worse and call only with better), but in this spot he will call with worse often enough, which makes jamming the best option IMO.

midori 11 years ago

I actually think we still have to jam on J or 9.

EDIT: it's kinda close though. 

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