PLO50 Stats
Posted by Leonida
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Low Stakes
PLO50 Stats
I've been playing PLO50 6max for two months and with 20k hands (4 tabling) I've a w/r of 0.50 bb/100.
I know that's a very low winrate, but I'm trying to improve it.
So I've posted my stats, with positional detail.
All of your suggestions are welcome. :D
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I'm a firm believer that your stats don't matter too much unless they are seriously out of line.
That said, a few things that come to my mind:
- Your VPIP is fine/normal, but PFR seems a tad bit too low. Looking at the positional stats, I think you can raise more often from LP (CO/BTN) and SB. Especially on the BTN, you can open with a much wider range.
- Your 3b seems too low as well, although this matters a bit less than PFR. Is CC a short for cold call? If so, you can try 3betting a bit more and cold calling a bit less.
- Since your PFR is low, you are getting to flop with a tighter/stronger range. Because of that, you can c-bet a bit more often on flop. First of all you will get a lot of folds and take down the pot, which is usually a good outcome in PLO, but also, you will get more value that way with your stronger range.
Good luck at the tables. :)
- midori
1) I forgot to say that the field is very Loose/Passive and F Cbet are very often called just to try'n'see where they are at. So I've choosen to make a lil step behind with more check back than c bet. But I'll try to expand my cbetting range to increase fold-equity and to extract more EV from my strongest hands.
2) 3-bet
you're right, my 3b is quite too much low and I was thinkin bout increasing it, adding to my PREMIUM ACES and PREMIUM KINGS
-some good rundowns like AKQJ-KQJT-QJT9-JT98
-some hands like AKQQ, AQQJ, KQQJ, QQJT doublesuited
What do u think bout?
Hi Leonida,
Most of them are clear 3bets in most spots, and you can add in hands like low rundowns and double suited hands that are too weak to see a multiway flop with, but strong enough to see a HU flop with the original raiser. This means we would very much prefer being IP with these hands; mostly when you are on the BTN.
Basically, I think it all boils down to playing more btns.
Adding to the above:
Do you have your Raise First In% per position? Useful when evaluating preflop play. Are those the UO% values? If so, you can add 5-10% in CO and 20+% on the button. CO opens will vary a lot from table to table, but 25-35% is where you want to be. On the Button you can open 50+% in any game you will find yourself in at $50plo.
WTSD% is very low (19.40%). Since you are not c-betting a lot, and since your postflop ranges should be pretty strong, I would assume you are getting pushed out of pots too much. Then again, your W$SD% (50.6%) is not extremely high, so could be a sample size issue.
UnOpened RFI% should be:
-EP/MP 13.2
-CO 22.5
-D 37.7
-SB 31.7
Are these the right stats?
Those are the ones, I added a comment on them.
TY guys for your courtesy and avilability. I'll do my best, step by step, to improve my game! ;)
WWSF seems very low, is that an important number? Mine is 41.
Agreed, 33.40% is very low. And it correlates with the low WTSD% (19.40%). The VPIP is perfectly normal (24.2%) and Hero sees his fair share of flops. But it seems he doesn't win his fair share of pots.
Agreed with both you guys, and I think the reason why hero doesn't win his fair share of pots is that he doesn't c-bet often enough on flop even with his stronger range. PLO is a game where bluff catching is tough and opens up room for mistake; even if he checks back flop for bluff catching later on or pot control, it isn't exactly easy / profitable to do so.
So yeah, like I said earlier, open up a bit more, and try to c-bet more often.
56% c-betting, while on the low side, can work well. It's easy to pick up more pots by c-betting more, but there are other ways to go about it, too. I would venture a guess that Hero's checks are particularly easy to play against. Fold to c-bet stats for F/T/R could provide some insight.
Whatever the adjustment, Hero should get more sticky postflop. C-bet a tad more, and don't go away so easily when they bet.
Hi ZenFish,
I've found the stats you mentionned.
Flop fold to cbet = 66.1%
Turn fold to cbet = 55.0%
River fold to cbet = 60.1%
Fold To CB stats confirms that you get pushed around a bit. If you were an opponent observing these stats, how would you adjust?
Villain sees that you go to showdown much less than you should, and that you fold > 55% consistently on every street. So he can bet and keep firing with any semblance of a hand or blockers.
If you only had been overfolding on the flop, he could bet lots of flops and then shut down his bluffs when you continue. But your folding seems evenly distributed over all streets (Disclaimer: I don't know what optimal values are for these stats, but it's obvious that you fold way too much overall).
So ... call & raise more postflop. Do it deliberately and with a plan for every situation, not randomly. Get sticky! :-)
I'm transitioning from NLH to PLO so I start to play PLO10 for 1month, then PLO25 for two month and when rolled enough, 2 months ago, I've started playing PLO50.
I think that most of my bad habits are partly due to the fact that the field of players is very loose and passive. I'll write just two words to decribe the field. (almost 75/80% FLOP SEEN)
PREFLOP : you can Isolate betting POT and you can easily see the LIMPER and almost the BB that call to your bet, so your preflop raise is just a "ticket" for the flop. So, surely making a mistake, I tend to isolate less than the optimal %, and consequently my PFR dries up :(
POSTFLOP : any kind of draw, even if weak, is good to call my Cbet... even TPTK is okay o call 2/3 POT bet. So, consequently, I tend to avoid making thin c-bet for fold equity. So I prefer to continuation bet when I've got a good hand or a good/strong draw to go with it!
So, with that field so loose and passive, what in your opinion, should be the best adjustments that I can make to my game plan?
I'm not very confident with these stats so I'd like to thank you in advance for your availability and courtesy.
Your c-bet% is fine. But you got to see more showdowns. Logically, since their ranges are so weak, you should be able to, seeing as you play much better hands.
Your main problem is that you fold too much postflop, not that you raise tight pre and c-bet tight (both of which are good adjustments for beating loose-passive games in a low variance way).
You also should snap out of the they-play-so-loose-so-I-am-handcuffed mindset. There's always opportunities to steal pots postflop. A good player should be able to play with a flat redline in those games, just by hammering on their weak ranges and knowing who folds and who don't.
I'll do my best to improve my game particularly POSTFLOP. You're right, in order to take the maximum EV I should change my mindset with reference to the loose/passive game. It will take a little bit of time, but I'll put my effort on it! :)
P.S. I know that my 3bet of 1.6%, is very very very low, we can say that I 3bet nearly only GOOD/STRONG ACES .
In order to increase it I'm thinking to start 3betting, even OOP:
-some good KK type hands like AKKQ, AKKJ, KKQJ
-some good rundowns like AKQJ-KQJT-QJT9-JT98
-some hands like AKQQ, AQQJ, KQQJ, QQJT doublesuited
What d u think bout it?
That sounds good.
I have also recently moved from NLH to PLO. Running Leakbuster I found that my turn c-b was too low. Double barreling to get your opponents off their mediocre hands is very important to increase your winrate.
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