plo50 AA hand

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plo50 AA hand

BTN: $49.25 (98.5 bb)

Hero (SB): $51.93 (103.9 bb)

BB: $30.67 (61.3 bb)

UTG: $14 (28 bb)

MP: $105.44 (210.9 bb)

CO: $53.62 (107.2 bb)

Preflop: Hero is SB with Ad As 7s 4c

2 folds, CO raises to $1, BTN raises to $3.50, Hero raises to $12, 2 folds, BTN calls $8.50

Flop: ($25.50) Td Jd 3c (2 players)

Hero ?


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E T 11 years, 7 months ago

Curious as to what the best approach is with bad AA being oop in this spot. I know we have the spades but there's pretty much nothing else. I'm new to the game but it seems like every time this happens and I bet/call and we are almost never happy, especially being oop we can't do a lot of things to control pot size. Our raise screams AAxx too, people can probably play almost perfect against us. Two other options:

1. Cold call the 3bet and set mine or hope for a good flop. Our hand will be well disguised and its probably easier to play that way. It's not a big 3bet since the original raise is only a minraise so it's relatively cheaper to just cold call. This option seems weak tho.

2. 4bet smaller instead of pot to give ourselves a little bit more room to maneuver. Bet/fold won't be that bad at times, check/raise will have more fold equity at times. I don't know what the OP's 4bet size is with anything else other than AAxx, for example some kind of double suited semi run down hands. Not even sure if most people have a 4bet range here without AAxx at all. 

I'm new to this and just trying to learn. Curious as to what you guys think about this.

applehead 11 years, 7 months ago

Depending how wide the button is 3-betting here against a CO min-raise we definitely should be 4-betting a lot more than AAxx hands pre. Good highish rundowns and good KKxx and QQxx hands would certainly benefit our 4-betting range here and we can add some smaller rundowns and double paired hands for balance as well.

Cold calling the 3-bet is an option but I don't think we can play it profitably just hoping for sets. We have to continue on some boards and OOP with worst position in relation to the 3-bettor is going to make it tough. 

4-betting smaller is going to make our decision on these kinds of flops even tougher because after c-betting we're getting worse odds to call a shove. However I like 4-betting smaller when the stacks are 200BB+ deep. In that case we're still getting the initiative with a more controlled pot size. Also if the button opts to 5-bet it will be for a smaller size and many times his range is going to be very defined to AAxx hands and we can still call with some of our good rundowns and play flops close to perfect.

Tom Coldwell 11 years, 7 months ago
1) Calling leaves us money to play OOP, most likely multi-way. This isn't a good spot really and certainly not my ideal. It would probably be profitable, but it's not my preference here. If we had position, I would be more interested in this idea given we can't get THAT much in pre (although we're connected enough for me to be totally fine w/ the 4-bet).

2) 4-betting small would be pretty dreadful imo. Why we'd wanna give an opponent a better price on a call against a hand he'll play pretty well against I don't know. Especially when he'll get to act second (not a HUGE deal, but not insignificant given we'd have to check some flops with the resulting SPR). This applies to all hands. I hate 3- and 4-betting small OOP. I think it's a massive mistake in PLO.

Mynttis 11 years, 7 months ago

 Btn is 3betting wide, like ~10%, so my 4betting range is wider than AAxx. Main thing for 4betting hands like 5678ds, ds 1 caps, or even some midish ss rundowns is that we want to play hu pot. I'm 4betting AKQJds for pure value, and I concider cold calling AKQJss, KQJTss etc, hands that plays well in multiway. My 4bet sizing is always same.

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