PLO400 HU very deep river spot
Posted by spartacus87
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Mid Stakes
PLO400 HU very deep river spot
BB: $913.20
SB: $2358.50 (Hero)
SB: $2358.50 (Hero)
(2 Players)
Hero was dealt
Hero raises to $8, BB raises to $24, Hero calls $16
Hero raises to $8, BB raises to $24, Hero calls $16
(2 Players)
BB bets $32,
Hero calls $32
(2 Players)
BB bets $90,
Hero calls $90
(2 Players)
BB bets $208,
Hero raises to $916
Villian is a PLO HU midstakes reg.
He calls 30% oop and 3bets 20% pre.
Do u think we can get out AA , KK here ?
I would definitely call some sets /2pairs this deep, so my range consists boats and trips.
The problem is that we also rep some busted draw type hands like 674,679 , JT9, hh , but i would never bluff shove with them in this spot.
He calls 30% oop and 3bets 20% pre.
Do u think we can get out AA , KK here ?
I would definitely call some sets /2pairs this deep, so my range consists boats and trips.
The problem is that we also rep some busted draw type hands like 674,679 , JT9, hh , but i would never bluff shove with them in this spot.
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It depends on the history/dynamics between you, but I think he would expect you to raise QQ/88 or even 55 at some point, most likely on turn. And there aren't many combos of 52, 82 that you can have (let aside whether you're gonna value jam those otr), so you're repping a very thin value range imo. For AA/KK it's still gonna be a tough bet/call, but I think he can look you up a decent amount of time.
On the other hand, it kinda helps that the flop was rainbow, so if we are bluffing here with busted draw it's often gonna be busted wraps or hearts, but hearts will usually have something to go along with and don't make up THAT many combos. Also, people just don't go crazy with bluffing with those hands, they would rather have a blocker. That makes it hard for us to have a total bluff, but we shouldn't bluffing often anyway in spots where we can't rep too many value hands imo.
In game I might consider raising the turn.
I think I'd much rather just call here. Was your intent to fold AA KK? I'm not sure he plays those like that. You block a lot of his full houses so I think his range is polarized on the river. I think he would have a hand like a wrap or AQ often enough for you to call with your pot odds. I think raising he folds often but in most of those cases you were winning anyway. When he does have a full house raising is very bad for you.
why aren't you raising somewhere on the flop/turn esp when you block set combos? id just fold river - fh/trips are very unbelievable given your line and I think its rare villan is going to fold here
You can be just calling with naked 55 or 88 for sure. Its bad play to bet overpair here, and you dont need to exploit that by raising here, you will exploit it the times you have 55 or 88 by calling. You have to be very sure he has AA or KK to raise here otherwise you are just exploiting yourself against a weak opponent.
Why do you think it is a bad play to valuebet an overpair on this river? Given all the missed draws I think we should be valuebetting overpairs given the high # of busted draws in both players' range.
Sets will definitely call you, 2pairs might not call you or might bluff raise you like here, the rare trips will call you, you shut down all his bluffs from missed draws. You might get called by 2pairs (in case not bluff raised) and maybe AQ.
If check, will get value from his bluffs and likely his Q8 and definitely not run the risk of folding the best hand.
Your reasoning makes sense but if you want to be bluffing your missed draws here with any sort of frequency and not be very unbalanced you need to have more than just fullhouses as your value range.
as played easy call but no raise.
this hand plays much much better if you raise it on the flop.
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