plo25z slowplayed full-house gets raised on the turn
Posted by oboltys88
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Low Stakes
plo25z slowplayed full-house gets raised on the turn
Blinds: $0.10/$0.25 (6 Players)
BN: $13.56
SB: $55.02
BB: $28.60
UTG: $85.34
MP: $25.00 (Hero)
CO: $23.09
SB: $55.02
BB: $28.60
UTG: $85.34
MP: $25.00 (Hero)
CO: $23.09
Hero is MP with
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Final Pot
SB wins $22.10
Rake is $0.98
Rake is $0.98
Am i correct to think that villain is representing quads only by XR? I dont think he would ever bluff this or has anything other than quads so i fold.
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Id never fold that. He'd had to call a 3bet with a just medium rundown. Many go broke there thinking AA to be nuts, and with quads I'd also say he would call as there is no reason to raise.
he almost never has AA since he had a great opportunity to 5-bet all-in preflop (almost). also how do you know he always slowplays a 5 on the turn?
not always. of course he could be raising, though that'd make no sense. but it reduces the likelyhood of holding a 5. I have not enough hands played out like those to be accurate, my guess would be that it is about 50-50 that you are ahead
Bet the flop, pre and turn look okay although I would opt for a smaller sizing on this board on the turn.
Also I have to add that cheking the flop and slowplay is a bad idea. you give freecard to a lot of hands that can overtake (AAxx - JJxx).
I'd fold preflop. I think it's closer with a K high suit, but still a fold at 25plo due to rake considerations.
I would bet the flop (checking rarely is fine). The 3bettor has plenty of overpairs he's looking to take to showdown, and I think building a pot now will end up working out better for you.
Very good turn fold, IMO.
The sb is risking a lot of money shoving into two ranges, and I almost never see bluffs here. Not only can one of you just decide to call with an overpair or TT, but one of you can just have 5x. You obviously could slowplay the flop (you did here) and the BB could be getting tricky on occasion as well.
Most importantly, it's really hard to find 'natural bluffs' here. What 4 cards could your opponent be looking down at and deciding to shove over 100bb in with as a bluff? I'd guess that over 75% of people you play with basically won't ever bluff like this.
If it were the BB, you could give it more consideration, since he could just be making a (bad) value play with AA.
Phil, first of all thank you for taking your time to comment on my hands. If thats's a weak hand how do you determine which hands are good enough to open taking rake into account? Maybe there's some charts i can study?
You're very welcome!
Honestly, I don't know where the line gets drawn because I don't every study the EVbb/100 for individual hands or hand types. The EV is reduced by increased rake, but I don't know how far the line moves (in terms of which hands go from raises to folds) at each rake level.
I've never seen a great PLO hand chart, unfortunately. I've thought of ways to create one but it's really complex!
We have the best handchart for PLO ever created. If you are interested, we are happy to have you demo it!
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