PLO25: GSFD on 774 OOP

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PLO25: GSFD on 774 OOP

UTG: $17.92
HJ: $25.35 (Hero)
CO: $35.78
BN: $31.76
SB: $25
BB: $27.89
villain 40/30 - 3b 11 over 150 hands
very high flop cbet in std raised pots, in 3b pots so far 2/3
Preflop ($0.35) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt Q T 8 6
UTG folds, Hero raises to $0.85, CO folds, BN raises to $2.90, SB folds, BB folds, Hero calls $2.05
Flop ($6.15) 7 7 4 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $5.75

I wasn't sure what to do here. I didn't feel like my GSFD is strong enough to c/c because my implied odds should be very low whereas I have serious reverse implied odds. Is this thus a good spot to c/r bluff with this hand? What should my plan be on various turn cards if he calls?


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seeittwice 11 years, 1 month ago

Hi. I dont think you have any fold Equity vs his bet size.

I think this hand is a fold preflop in mp when you a LAG behind you.

I dont like this hand in a multiway pot, or out of position heads up.

ohgodwhy 11 years, 1 month ago

Well, I wouldn't read to much into his betsize especially without any reads on it. The board is somewhat drawy and he probably doesn't want to bet small with AA and have me call with all sorts of hands that can draw and/or rep draws that make it on later streets.

The point about preflop is a valid one though but assuming we had QJT9 with the same suits (a hand we clearly call or even 4bet with) we end up in almost the exact same spot.

Also where is your cutoff there? What about QT98 or QJ97?

seeittwice 11 years, 1 month ago

Im not sure im the right one to ask about a correct range.

But maybe qjt8s, qj98ds, qjt8ds, qjt7ds and maybe qt98ds, qj97ds

But I think the Lag needs to be very weak or in the blinds for the last two

hands. I think qt98ds, qj97ds qj98ds are tough hands to play 3 or 4 handed.

And if you dont have position things gets worse. And rake might make it

breakeven or losing.

I think its tough to rep a 7 from your position. If he c-bets a lot in Sr-pots,

we can maybe expect him to do the same in 3bet pots.

I think his bet size makes more sense with a AAxx without a flush than if he

has a fllush Draw as well. And if he has a naked overpair you have the right

odds to net 4bb before rake. So you would need to always be right on that read,

or have some fold equity.

I think he should have more sevens in his range than you. I would never

bet pot with a 7. I play zoom mostly, and some players likes to cb pot or

donk pot with trips atleast in SR pots.

And I guess it makes a Little sense if hes scared to lose a big pot if the flush

complets on the turn.

But the more I think of it this is actually a pritty tough spot.

Your range should be pretty weak on this board. Rundowns with a 7

is a very small part of your range, and you rarely have a overpair,

and if you have a overpair its rare that you have a 7 with it.

So a good thinking player would probably expect to have a lot of fold Equity

on this board. So if he almost always take the pot Down with a pot size

c-bet(or less) he might have a lot of air in his range.

Readless I would still fold. But against some players it might be a good

spot to go out of line.

Sorry for rambling and Thanks for making me think about it :)

nerevar23 11 years, 1 month ago

pot bet = either he folds to an all in or doesn't. Looks to me it's too expensive for you to find out. Raise small is bad with these stack sizes, actually raising oop on paired boards when your range doesn't hit it that often and you have no idea what he bets pot with is pretty tricky and unnecessary.  Or you could c/c and shove river if he checks back turn, but it's pretty sketchy.

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