PLO200 zoom BvB Topset+FD+impl. blockers linecheck

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PLO200 zoom BvB Topset+FD+impl. blockers linecheck

BN: $251.56
SB: $493.04 (Hero)
BB: $161.01
UTG: $1284.07
HJ: $116.40
CO: $200
Preflop ($3.00) (6 Players)
Hero was dealt 9 K 9 K
UTG folds, HJ folds, CO folds, BN folds, Hero raises to $6, BB calls $4
Villain is playing a loose style playing 38/26 on big sample, and defending 93% against SB opens, while 3betting about 20% in this spot.
Flop ($13.00) 6 5 K (2 Players)
Hero bets $8.36, BB calls $8.36
Turn ($29.72) 6 5 K 4 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets $20.57, Hero calls $20.57
Flopplay is somewhat standard, however the turn brings a very interesting card. His range is being wider than usual due to his preflop range, and the fact that he is not playing fullstacked doesn't make the hand easier to play. Blocking many K*-hands that might call the turn and also having no blockers to any straight whatsoever I decided to go for the c/c line, also to protect my checkingrange here a bit as well, although 973* hand would be likely an even better candidate for it.
River ($70.86) 6 5 K 4 A (2 Players)
Hero checks, BB bets $50.29, Hero folds
Final Pot
BB wins $67.06

We get a river "blank" , as he very likely wouldn't valuebet any 2pair hand on most rivers anyways and shouldn't be having any AA combos in his range. The 70%pot bet does look valueish to me, although it might be just what he bets here with certain parts of his range. Also not having any 6/5 in my hand which are propably going to be hands he is turning into bluffs (657,986,764 etc) and being somewhere at the top of my range I think I should be calling, but unfortunately I'm far away from being certain about my chosen line here, so would appreciate your help guys :)


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safe123 11 years, 2 months ago

he has a lot of unconnected hands(74xx,34xx,679),because of his wide range.its a close spot but i think we have to call given the odds.

Pastafiore 11 years, 2 months ago

if his turn bet vs missed cb 1rds pot ip is 70+ thats good check call but i think u gotta call river also. vs low (10-30%) turn bet vs missed cbet thats good line. if its ~30-70, cbet-calldown is best line imo. agg factor does not tell everything on this spots.

Alien Slayer 11 years, 2 months ago

if he is aggro-tricky we could argue for a c/r (around 65ish) on the turn since we are close to a flip vs 87xx and can easily induce a light peel by some 76xx+FD or 2pair hands that we have both crushed and  great implied odds if we boat up or make our flush. 

Riverplay if called depends a lot on his tendencies both when we hit and if a blank falls: on a 8,7 or 3 we should prob. c/f , on blanks we may go for a c/c , if we improve we can either bet small to induce (repping a thin valuebet with a straight) or check to give him a chance to bluff/vbet thinly himself. with a boat we obv c/rAI, with a flush we can c/r vs a small/normal bet and c/c vs a big (=polarized) bet.

only downside that if he is smart he will shove 32xx and 73xx for value on blank rivers and we pay him off - but many players just take the free SD instead. 

as played def c/c river since we underrep our hand and if he was bluffing turn he will oftentimes continue bluffing to get us off a Adxdxx hand or any 2pair

Runlikegod 11 years, 2 months ago

thanks for your comment.

About c/r turn: I also considered it during the hand, but then wasn't really happy to make it 65ish and maybe isolating myself against straights and also being in some ugly spots OTR when I don't improve as I didn't have a real gameplan for that riverspot. Also not having a straightblocker in my hand made me less willing to be c/r this spot, I think KK97 I would much rather have in my c/r range.

What line OTT would you actually prefer having the given infos?

Alien Slayer 11 years, 2 months ago

I guess it comes down to player tendencies: vs a tight/straightforward player c/c turn is fine (and then c/f River because he has not enough air in his range/won't continue firing with them) 

but vs an aggro guy with a wide range I think we either have to  c/c down or seeking to play for stacks.

I suggest you to play around with odds oracle and see how often a 93% range actually makes a straight (constructing a wide flop-calling range of any pair, any straightdraw and removing strong hand like sets and wraps ) 

I'd be curious to know as well, so feel free to post the results here :) 

Runlikegod 11 years, 2 months ago

He actually has a 93-20% range there as he is 3betting some over my sample, although I can't tell how much and how linear he is 3betting against me as we don't have much of a history in this spot.

I'm actually quite bad in doing math calculations with PPT but will try to do my best and make it in the next few days. Thanks everybody for your comments and input, really appreciate it :)

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