plo200, oop 3bet AQK4ss,how do you think my play?

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plo200, oop 3bet AQK4ss,how do you think my play?

CO: $200
BN: $257.39
SB: $201 (Hero)
BB: $200
Preflop ($3.00) (4 Players)
Hero was dealt A Q K 4
CO folds, BN raises to $5, Hero raises to $17, BB folds, BN calls $12
Flop ($37.00) 3 8 9 (2 Players)
Hero bets $24, BN calls $24
Turn ($85.00) 3 8 9 3 (2 Players)
Hero bets $45, BN calls $45
River ($175.00) 3 8 9 3 7 (2 Players)
Hero checks, BN bets $171.39, and is all in, Hero folds
Final Pot
BN wins $172.50

bn is 36/33,77hands,

I think my 3bet is ok,villin open steal lot.

I cbet bluff otf,cos this board is dry,hope there is immediately fe,is there any other option?

I think my turn bet bluff is not good,there is lot hands villin will call me,over pairs,even 9x,

Is this good chance to c/r bluff ott?what is the best option ott?



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ilovetiger 10 years, 10 months ago

I think pre is a little on the loose side....flop betting vs checking is prob a function of your 3b range and his postflop aggression levels - I dont mind a cbet but its pretty easy for him to punish us on a texture like this...on the turn Id go bigger - getting some bare t7/JT to fold the turn would be ideal and your sizing here allows them to call wider

holdnuts 10 years, 10 months ago

I think the flop cbet is the best option,we can get decent fe on this board,better ev than c/c and c/f.I agree I should bet bigger if I decide do that.

Cthulu23 10 years, 10 months ago

I think well played really. No other play than cbet on flop, unless he's a maniac that 3bets every piece he hits. Turn standard, You can bluff 2345689K rivers vbet clubs and i think check the A, maybe check fold depending on the player. 3bet is okay, you're not that vulnerable on 44 33 flops and fold the bb from some that some of your equity like AT75 with nut clubs. I'm not sure about the river cards we should bluff, just speculating, maybe I don't know what the hell I'm talking about. :D

holdnuts 10 years, 10 months ago

About cbet ott and bluff otr,why 245689 is good for bluff?It seems the board doesn't change much as the turn,villin can call us turn,why not river?And why K come we should bluff?I don't have much turn and river bluff experience in 3bet pot,so not sure how often these bluffs can work.Seems very high level for me :)

Cthulu23 10 years, 10 months ago

Well cause you can rep aces as a value bet and it's less likely for him to call with the bad straight draw on the turn since he's a regular. Checking the ace cause he can have A9 with some draws and snap you off and fold cause I don't think he's bluffing that card. And since we 3bet AQK4 our range is wide enough that we have some underwraps that bluff turn and hit a straight on those rivers. But it depends on his fold to 3bet and how sticky he is and dynamic in the match. I don't think he's folding JJTK with clubs on the turn, might or might not fold it on the river though. Ofc if you bluff this you must valuebet aces all 3 streets, otherwise you have too many bluffs. I'm not very much in love with this but what's the harm in experimenting? :D Oh and one more thing, if villain for example likes to float under straightdraws and bluff rivers when the upper straight hits and you check to him, this is a bad hand to bluff turn with and I think it's better to vbet all boats 3's and straightdraws and shove rivers with the boat and check when we hit our straight.

And finally, the 8 and the 9 cause well.. you don't have showdown value, but I don't know about that.. I mean when trips hit it's less likely for him to have it, you have the initiative and put him in a tough spot with jacks etc... that + you do have a lot of 98's in your 3betting range all double pairs and probably vbet 3 against overpairs. I wish Sauce would just randomly pop up in all threads and share us his wisdom.

anxaas 10 years, 10 months ago

defending your blind with this hand is fine, but neverrrrrrrr 3bet this hand from blinds even in position, just never ...

if you had suited ace its a different story though,

cbetting on this flop is also bad because there are no good turn cards for us, we don't even have gut shot, we just blind hoping to get a fold against maniac? 

once you come to this far turn bet is fine, river is easy fold

DirtyD 10 years, 10 months ago

I'm a little surprised so many people like cbetting here. We have no pair, no draw, villain should have lots of hands to continue with... I would be inclined to just give up here. We have some back doors, but not many cards I'm excited about firing on. Even on something like Jc, which improves our equity, I don't think our turn bet is getting many folds.

In a similar turn spot, I remember Phil suggesting either betting turn big and shutting down when called, or betting turn small and continuing on river. Idea being a big turn bet gets most top pair type hands out immediately (hopefully). You went with a small turn bet, but then the river presents a problem, because we can no longer rep AA for value, and he has plenty of boats and straights to call us with. Having come this far it's tempting to bluff with no showdown value, but I suspect we're getting called too often.

Cthulu23 10 years, 10 months ago

I've seen jeans 3bet this hand in position, I'm sure I've seen him 3bet AKJx sb vs btn or co too but probably that was A high suited, not 100% sure though. But from the button it wasn't. Maybe flop cbet is debatable, idk.

midori 10 years, 10 months ago

Check the flop.  Betting seems like lighting money on fire.  On this flop we are about 30-70 underdog against his range of $fi40!(AA,AKK$ds,AKQQ$ds,ABBB$ds), and we can't barrel too many turns.

Joe Tonkin 10 years, 10 months ago

Firstly Cthulu23 do you not feel if you was in his shoes that if he had AA he would have 4bet pre-flop?

Anyway, this is my take on it.

I think your raise pre-flop is fine, yes LAG but as long as you have a plan to fold if he 4b you there is no issue in trying to steal a pot.

The fact he just calls then again smooth calls your bet on the flop for me removes hands such as AAXX and KKXX (especially as you have 1 K) because these would 90% of the time 4b pre-flop and if anything he probably thinks you have AA as your acting so strong OOP. So that is going to leave him with drawing hands which he doesn't mind taking a punt with in position.

ALSO when he just calls your bet I think you can also remove 2 pair hands. trips might smooth call but I don't think that board is as dry as you think. minus your Q 27outs completes a straight without any worry of a flush..Q,J,10,7,6,5 completes a draw. (only way he calls with trips is if he 100% decides you have AAXX 

Anyway I think his call on the turn is because he is chasing the draw and probably has the 9 in his range giving him a chance to also hit 2 pair. I don't feel like he has a 3 here ever.

Once the river card comes your dead. Any card from 4 down or Q up you have a chance to bluff. You have no choice to check but I don't think he was bluffing. I think he hit the river!

** I maybe way off here on my analysis but this is how I have been dissecting my hands recently and its worked for 2 months now.

p.s you got to check that flop. maybe check the flop and if he checks back then stab the turn??

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