PLO200 - HU IP in 3-bet pot with SPR 5: fd + gs + overs on J54t
Posted by Ibra Cadabra
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Ibra Cadabra
posted in
Mid Stakes
PLO200 - HU IP in 3-bet pot with SPR 5: fd + gs + overs on J54t
SB: $206.75
BB: $200.00 (Hero)
Villain is a tad loose (40/24) over 400 hands. Including this hand he steals 5 out of 15 times from SB. Seems to play normal for the most part, but occasionally does something weird/unexpected that doesn't really make a ton of sense. It's not like he spews money away or anything (at least from what I have seen).
The reason for posting this hand is that I had a lot of conflicting thoughts on the flop about what the overall gameplan should be from that moment onward. Particularly since neither piece of hero's hand is apt to dominate villain's hand, if he decides to put more money into the pot. Can you guys find a check-back here? If so, how to proceed on several turns? Or is pot/committing the way to go? Or perhaps c-betting a more standard amount of 2/3? If so, what to do against a c/r?
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Disclaimer: I dont play HU at all, and play lower stakes.
just to kick off the discussion: I do think that it's good candidate to xback (it would be in regular 6m game), you might be folding quite a bit of equity vs x/r range and when called we don't get to barrel too many turns as overal visibility on most turns isn't great. So, keeping the pot small and maybe have some deception with checkback makes it a reasonable play, imo.
Thanks for the insight. Btw this was three-handed, and not HU :)
i think bet calling it off is the way to go in my opinion.
Sure when he pots you'll run into some sets and nut flushdraws but those are quite rare and even then your equity is OK, but you'll also run into two pairs which you're flipping, and into flushdraw+straight draw type hands which you're dominating.
When he just calls however you're pushing a TON of equity against his range which might include weaker flushdraws and some random pairs with not much else going on.
If Villain just calls i would probably fold if bet into or check back on a 8 7 6 or 3 turn, would probably call/check back on a 9 turn, and would ship the remaining stack vs a bet or pot vs a check on any A 2 T Q K or a turned Heart.
On a 4, 5 or J turn i would consider (player dependent) betting my hand if checked to me and fold if bet into.
Thanks for the reply. Don't you think all flushdraws would just go ahead and c/jam though? Similar for wraps? And like bare 76 is probably too weak to c/c. If I were in villain's shoes I don't see myself doing a lot of c/c, but that may well be bad on my part...
Pretty easy check-back.
Care to elaborate/refute Duarte Baptista's arguments? Interested to know why you think checking back clearly trumps betting.
This hand is a good check-back hand because your hand doesnt need a ton of protection, you are not getting any value unimproved and you are not looking to get it in on the flop. Thats pretty much it!
Is the reason for "it doesnt need protection" that it is behind vs hands that c/c? So against a Jxxx for example
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