PLO200 HU AA 4b pot
Posted by spartacus87
Posted by spartacus87 posted in Mid Stakes
PLO200 HU AA 4b pot
Villian is a good reg and has a good idea how to play HUPLO.
He 3bets 11% pre and has a good balanced 3b range.
I would like to know how u think about the right betsizing in this spot.
We very often has AA in this spot and our opponent knows this.
If i pot the flop i think Villian won´t make any mistakes and shoves /call only with enough equity. (?!)
That´s why i choose a betsize (72$) to give Villian room for pealing lighter/ shoving lighter with some hands like AKJ,A65,73,A7 which maybe would fold vs a potbet. ( Giving him the illusion of FE here)
The negative affect of this betsizing is that Villian can realise his equity for a cheaper price and there are some cards we dont want to see at the turn ( Xs , 2345).
But on the other side there´s only 1 PSB left on the turn and even when he gets Flush or straight we can call/stack off with enough equity ( at least 25%).
The positive aspect is that Villian can incorrectly shove on blank turns with some pair+wrap / pair+ FD type hands.
Which betsizing ? Pot or 72$ ?
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