PLO200 - deep, 3pot w/o ini - top set on low drawy flop. play ? sizing ?

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PLO200 - deep, 3pot w/o ini - top set on low drawy flop. play ? sizing ?


SB: €214.10 (VPIP: 47.28, PFR: 32.59, 3Bet Preflop: 15.57, Hands: 20,129)
BB: €459.74 (VPIP: 49.26, PFR: 37.74, 3Bet Preflop: 18.56, Hands: 7,284)
CO: €330.96 (VPIP: 32.85, PFR: 20.82, 3Bet Preflop: 6.52, Hands: 10,343)
[b]Hero (BTN): €371.00[/b]

SB posts SB €1.00, BB posts BB €2.00

Pre Flop (pot: €3.00) Hero has T:spade: T:club: 9:club: Q:diamond:

fold, Hero raises to €7.00, fold, BB raises to €22.00, Hero calls €15.00

Flop (€45.00, 2 players) 3:spade: 6:heart: T:heart:
BB bets €28.00, Hero raises to €129.00


Table full regs, dynamics are getting aggressive
BB LAG big reg, high 3bet% (nb : those stats count HU hands, so in SH his stats are a little less, but still high anyway (11-13%)


seems me std, even if it's not the hand I prefer to play deep (cause low gapped, connexion often dominated).
But position, not an awful hand etc...


Super flop obv, with top set

Villain cbet smalls here.
He cbets high frequency.

This board doesn't connect at all with his range (except de FD he could have obv).
Low card, low connection etc...

Don't know what to.
Don't want to let free turns.

Not because I'm afraid too afraid of letting him hit outs (even if I wouldn't be happy to see a :heart: )

But lots of cards can kill action and I would have difficulties to extract value on them.
Most straighty turns are scary, cause far more in my range than in his (89Tx, 457x etc...).
And on a :heart:, if he doesn't have a flush, he would gu often too.

... reads I've on him is that he's very barrely.
I think he's going to bet tons on pairing turns (3, 6). maybe he would be more careful on T (but I can't hope very lot for a T).

If we were 100bb deep and I call turn, he would barrel too if he hit a backdoor thing turn (don't know, if he got KQJx or thing like that, he'll b/c on K/Q/J etc... which is quite std I think).
But 200bb deep, not sure but I think he'll play this safer

... well, so many turns killing the action.
Not many turns I can hope for get more value further (3, 6 he would barrel. maybe some broadways if he got DP/big draw, but that not sure).
And want to value and build the pot, so raise is std I guess (no slowplay here, even if I'm monster and it's not the most dangerous flop for me).

About the sizing I don't know. I don't know how to play 200bb deep anyway.
Just pot it. 100bb deep 'd be std i guess.
Here... 've I a r/f range ? i don't think so.
And this board, even if low and disconnected, is still a little drawy and dynamic.
Not a good board for minraises or things like that.
raise pot or some ~70-80€ accomplish the same I think.
I don't think I've a range that I'd raise to 70-80€ / fold, and it's just giving him a better price to call with draws (even if it's not terrible for me if he call oop with some inside wrap, or p+NFD or whatever)

moreover, at this table, all players are reg and the dynamic is quite aggro.
Maybe could he be hot and go broke a little light
just hoping he got some ovp+NFD and 3bet shove

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